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"Papa, please? Lily will be with me, plus you know Peter and Cole are.. You know." Yehl practically begged.

Garvey stayed silent for a while, his eyes deep in thought. He'd never really thought about it that way before.. Plus, he trusted these boys. They were like his own sons, in a way. Especially Cole.

"Okay," He said hesitantly. "You can have a sleepover at Coles house. But don't be stupid, alright?"

Yehl hugged Garvey tight, jumping up and down from joy. "Thank you papa! Thank you! I promise, I'll clean the entire house the second I get back! I'll even help you with the garden!" She said hopefully.

Garvey smiled and hugged her back, patting her back. "I trust you and Lily will make the right decisions." He said.

"Don't you worry, papa! We'll be like saints!" She said innocently.

Garvey chuckled, patting her back one more time before turning to get something from the fridge.

Yehl ran to Lilys room, banging on the door. "Lily! Papa said yes!" She exclaimed as she slammed her fist against the door.

Lily opened the door, just as excited.

Yehl nodded and rushed her sister out into the living room. They were already packed, for just in case he'd let them go.

Lily gave Garvey a quick hug. "Bye, papa," She said happily.


One thing Yehl forgot to bring up to her father- Keith was going to be there as well.

"I can't wait to spend more time with Keith," Yehl said dreamily.

Lilys ears perked up. "Keith? You lied to dad?"

Yehl grinned. "Not exactly, we are still hanging out with Cole and Peter, buttt, i left out the part where Keith joins along. Say, don't you have a friend? Why don't you invite her?"

Lily sighed. She was used to her sisters acts of rebellion, so it wasn't much of a surprise. "You mean Esperanza? I don't have her phone number."

"Aw, man, maybe next time."


"Cards? Again? Peter, we've played this game for like, an hour now!" Cole complained.

Peter smirked. "Your just mad I beat you every single time."

"I'm with Cole," Yehl said. "I'm getting kinda bored of losing over and over,"

Peters smirk grew. "So you admit! I'm the master at cards!"

Cole shrugged, putting the cards away.

Lily yawned. She wasn't used to being up this late- it was almost 5 am, when the longest she'd ever stayed up was 10 pm. "I think I'm gonna sleep.. I'm about to pass out," She said, exasperated. And with that, she immediately collapsed onto the mattress and curled up in the blankets.

"Boring," Peter said.

"I'm getting kinda tired to, actually," Keith said nervously.

Cole looked at Yehl and saw heavy eyebags. "Are you tired too?" She hesitated, before nodding and smiling weakly. "I'll probably stay awake for a while longer, though," She said.

Peter couldn't hold back his yawn. "Mm, we should just watch a movie or something. Whoever stays awake can watch, whoever falls asleep, well.. Sleeps."

Everyone nodded, switching off the lights and gathering all the blankets and pillows to make a comfy little fort.

"Me and Peter can share this mattress," Cole pointed to the air mattress they brought out.

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