Chapter four training with Toshi! P1

Start from the beginning

"So we can avoid, them."

"Heh good idea." Hitoshi

"Thanks Toshi!"

"Hey dad can you pick me up just a little bit early from school!"

"Sure princess! But can I ask why?!" Dad

"Some kids were yelling at Toshi and said he'd be in for it after school so I wanna try to avoid them or at least have you there to stop anything from happening."

"Oh okay princess I'll be sure to pick you and Hitoshi up a little early from school." Dad

"Thanks dad you're the best! Love you bye!"

"Love you too princess bye!" Dad

"So he's picking us up early?" Hitoshi

"Yep! Those boys won't dare mess with the number six hero!"

"Thanks Kane." Hitoshi

"Hey it's no big deal! He's my dad and your my best friend, so why wouldn't I!?!"

"Heh you have a good point there." Hitoshi

"Thanks, now let's run we're almost late!"

"Coming!" Hitoshi

~~~~~~~~~~~after schools out~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey shinsou!" Bully 1

"Sorry you can't do anything to me." Hitoshi

"Hah and why not!" Bully 2

Yes, dads here perfect timing!

"Hi dad!"

"Hi princess! Are these two the boys giving Hitoshi troubles?" Dad


"Alright. I need you two to stop bullying my child's best friend if not there will be consequences for your actions and you know it." Dad

"Y-yes Crust sir." Bully 1

"So s-sorry to bother you sir!" Bully 2

"Now also stop with the honorifics in you don't bully Hitoshi, or anyone for that matter then Crust is just fine!" Dad

"Yes-ok we won't bully him or anybody ever again. Promise!" Bully 1

"Yes I promise too!" Bully 2

"Alright then everything all settled come on you two let's head home!" Dad

"Ok! Bye!"

"B-bye and sorry again for causing you troubles." Bully 1

"Yes I deeply apologize." Bully 2

"No need for all that like my dad said all is forgiven!"

"Wow didn't know Shirudo was that scary sometimes." Hitoshi

"Only when it comes to serious topics!"

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