Chapter 15

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Leah was put off by how calm Jeremiah was about him running away, but she couldn't let it take up too much space in her brain because they still had to find the cave.

"So you think it's in this town?" Leah asked.

"Yeah, Now that I have seen the monster, I feel 110% certain he's here," Kalley explained.

"If you say so," Leah said.

"Where do you think the cave is?" Jeremiah asked.

"Probably out in the woods by the city," Kalley suggested.

"Then let's go there," Jeremiah said.

As they walked around the woods, Leah somehow got separated from the others. She was trying to be cautious, because she didn't want to get attacked by another monster. But she wanted to find that cave, so she couldn't hide away. She had to find her dad.

As she walked, a girl came out of the woods, she looked pretty normal, except for the fact that one of her legs was metal and the other was a donkey leg. She smiled kindly, showing no signs of aggression, but she still felt off.

"So you're mothers new one!" The girl said kindly.

"You know hecate?" Leah asked.

"Why of course, she is my mother and leader, I will always follow her into battle and be at her side, you see," I girl explained.

"Who are you," Leah questioned.

"Kelli the Empousa," Kelli said.

"So what do you want with me?" Leah wondered.

"Mother has a warning for you," Kelli put her hand on Leah's shoulder, "Only pain and danger lies in this cave".

"But I need to save my dad," I said.

"I know you must. Be careful, sister," Then Kelli disappeared in a beam of flames.

"Well that was weird," Leah said.

She then turned around and the cave was right next to her. Convenient, Leah thought, walking up to the entrance. She kept trying to go in, but second guessing herself at the last moment. She wanted to bring her friends in to help, and she wasn't so sure if was strong enough to take on this monster. She also thought they might need to plan more. She ended up pacing around more, until Kalley found her.

"You good?" She asked.

"Yup, just, um, planning," Leah said.

"For what?" Jeremiah walked in.

"For what to do with the monster, and how to get my dad, and Kalley's mum out safely," Leah explained.

"We'll figure it out Leah, don't worry too much, we'll go in there, kick monster ass, and get our parents," Kalley said.

"Alright then," Leah turned around and walked into the darkness.

(wee short chapters)

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