Chapter 12

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 Leah just stood there, too disappointed in herself to say anything.

"What do you mean?" Jeremiah asked.

"Why did I attack him? I usually never resort to violence!" Leah panicked.

"Maybe it's your ADHD," Kalley suggested.

"What does my ADHD have to do with this? How did you even know I had ADHD?" Leah questioned.

"One, All demi-gods have ADHD. Two, our ADHD is our battle reflexes, so when we're in danger, they tend to kick in to keep us safe." Kalley explained.

"But I still hurt someone and that's wrong!" Leah insisted.

"It's just a monster," Jeremiah pushed aside.

"It's a living person, still!" Leah insisted.

"Monsters just want to kill you!" Jeremiah pushed.

"It can't be all of them!" Leah said.

"Sadly, most do," Kalley admitted.

"And when they attack you kill them, make them fear you so they never come back," Jeremiah said.

"That system doesn't seem fair," Leah said.

"Sadly, most of the system's here aren't," Kalley admitted sadly, "Most demi-gods don't want to do the gods bidding, and most gods don't want to rely on demi-gods so much, but without us, the gods would've been toppled years ago, and without the gods, western civilization wouldn't exist".

"That's kind of sad," Leah told them.

"Meh, it could be worse, We could be dead in the fields of punishment," Kalley said, nonchalantly.

"The fields of what now?" Leah asked, concerned.

"The fields of Punishment," Jeremiah repeated.

"What are those?" Leah questioned

"Um, it's like hell, I guess," Kalley explained.

"Oh, that's horrible," Leah said.

"Yeah, it does," Kalley admitted.

" If there's a place like hell, is there a place like heaven here?" Leah asked.

"Oh yeah, It's called The Elysian fields," Kalley said, "Or just Elysium".

"Is that it?" Leah asked.

"There's also the Fields of Asphodel, that's for people who weren't great, but weren't terrible either," Jeremiah explained.

"I want to get to the Isle of the Blessed personally," Kalley told the others.

"The say what now?" Leah asked.

"Basically, if you get Elysium 3 times, you go to the Isles of the Blessed, a place for true heroes," Kalley explained with wonder.

"Sounds cool!" Leah said.

"I want to become immortal, personally," Jeremiah said.

"Living forever sounds horrible," Kalley told him.

"Yeah yeah," Jeremiah brushed off Kalley's statement. 

"Well we should probably get going," Leah said, grabbing her bag.

"Why? it's like midnight," Kalley asked.

"Well," Leah struggled to come up with a reason, "We don't want to get behind on time now do we"?

"I guess that's fair," Kalley got up and grabbed her bag, with Jeremiah following suit.

"Which way?" Jeremiah asked.

Leah looked around for a little, "That way," She pointed tom where the cyclopes came from.

"Alright," Kalley muttered, walking forward.

They ended up wandering around till the sun came up, in a town, somewhere in Northern New Hampshire, called 'Errol'. Luckily no monsters attacked them the whole time, surprisingly , so they decided to take a break in the town.

"This place seems nice," Kalley said, taking a bite of a granola bar.

"Hopefully it's not monster run," Jeremiah joked.

"Let's hope," Kalley told him.

"Maybe we can ask someone how to get to Maine from here," Leah suggested.

"Sounds like a good idea," Kalley said, "It can't be that far from the border".

They all walk up to a random lady doing some gardening, "Hello miss," Leah says.

"Oh hello young ones," The lady said, "Where are your parents?"

"Um," Leah starts before Kalleu cuts her off.

"They're getting gas over at the gas station," Kalley lied, "They asked us to get some directions to Maine for them".

"Oh, well in that case, just keep going east then you'll get to Maine," She pointed in the direction that apparently was east. They then thanked the lady, and walked off.

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