Chapter 5 - Facing The Final Boss

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As we ran out of the changeroom, neither of us was expecting to find what we had walked right into. Attacking our bound and defenseless friend were two large men. 

Both Mark and I stopped dead in our tracks. Frozen in fear, we could only look on in horror. 

Nick was screaming into his rancid foot flavoured gag while bucking and thrashing wildly against his unforgiving restraints. 

The red-headed Adonis from earlier had returned and brought with him reinforcements. The muscular ginger had seemingly recruited a dark-haired accomplice. 

Connor was mercilessly tormenting our poor friends' vulnerable and very ticklish armpits. The unnamed attacker was tickling Nick's exposed ribs with one hand. The other hand was holding the chemical warfare level footwear from earlier against our nauseated friend's nose. The exposed parts of Nick's face looked almost green as he unsuccessfully tried to break free of his bonds. 

Finally realizing that we were watching them, the dastardly duo quickly halted their inhumane assault. 

Connor looked at us and said, "Thank you for your human sacrifice to the gym gods," before doing a karate style bow. 

Judging by the way that Connor and his friend were dressed and how they were acting, I suspect that they had been drinking and had probably been out at a bar or club tonight. 

The slightly inebriated ginger grabbed Nick by the chin and looked directly  into his vet wrap covered eyes. I think I heard Connor whisper, "a couple more years till you can play with the big dogs, pup." 

The dark-haired man looked over at us and said, "Sorry to intrude on your fun. We were just passing by and saw the lights still on. We just wanted to make sure everything was okay. "

"Let's go, Liam." Said Connor, "These kids have given me an idea. " 

As the muscular gym owner literally dragged his friend out the door, we both dashed over to Nick. He was soaked in sweat and still out of breath. Mark feverishly unwound the vet wrap covering his face, while I hurried to untie him from the metal frame. Once Mark had pried the saliva soaked sock from our friend's mouth, the nerdy teen sounded genuinely concerned as he asked, "Are you okay?"

The jock didn't say a word. He just had a stupid grin on his face. Any doubt that he enjoyed the torment from his boss and mentor was shattered by one look at his stretched swimwear. 

As Nick started heading back toward the locker room to clean up and change, Mark smiled at me, then stopped him. "The freshman was making fun of you in the locker room while we were cleaning up, and he had a hot shower", Said our nerdy friend. 

"What?! No! What the heck, Mark?!" I cried. 

"Is this true, twerp?" Boomed the athlete. 

"No! Well, I mean...  I wasn't making fun of you..... and it wasn't that warm!" I nervously studered. 

"You know the punishment for hot water, rookie!" Replied the athletic junior. 

"But we aren't even at swimming!" I protested. 

"True, but I am just a dumb jock that's bad at trivia, so I don't understand that," teased Nick. 

Clearly, my cockyness had not gone unnoticed by my upperclassmen. In retrospect, I clearly had it coming. I had to know that the juniors wouldn't miss an opportunity to teach me a lesson, especially if it meant an opportunity to tie me up in the process. 

The muscular jock put his hand on the back of my neck and guided me through the locker room. I was nervous yet a little excited. 

Nick used a length of rope to bind my wrists and forearms behind my back, in a web of rope and knots.  This was followed by the broom handle tied to my ankles as a makeshift spreader bar again. Next, the jock took the end of the rope that was binding my wrists and tied it to a pipe above me. This pulled my arms higher up behind me, forcing me to bend over.

At this point, Nick went to shower while Mark was left to take care of me. 

"Rat!" I barked angrily at my traitorous new friend. 

"Oh, come on! Admit it, you are loving it, freshman, " smiled Mark. 

Ok, he wasn't wrong, but that's not the point! I began to worry as he started searching through Nick's rancid gym bag. Sure enough, he produced the mate to the biohazardous tubesock from earlier. 

"No! Please, Mark! Come on!" I pleaded. 

To my dismay, the nerd held the cheesy garment up to my face. I tried to clamp my mouth shut, but the fumes caused me to cough and gag. Mark seized the opportunity and packed my oral orifice with the foot flavored wad.

Surprisingly, no tape followed. None was needed. A simple threat of the puke worthy running shoe being tied to my face if I dare spit out the sweat soaked sock was more than enough encouragement to behave. A pair of well-used compression shorts were slipped over my head to both blind me as well as further attack my sense of smell. 

After a while of being stuck in this position, my shoulders and back started to get sore. Fortunately, Nick had finally finished getting ready. The duo freed me from my predicament. 

As we walked out of the locker room for the final time, the muscular jock playfully put me in a headlock while messing up my hair with his free hand. "How was your first strappado tie, twerp?" Asked Nick. 

Rather embarrassed, I admitted, "it was ok, I guess."

"Good, because next time, I'd like to try it with an atomic wedgie and some mess if you're ok with that," replied my athletic friend. 

The ride home was spent further debriefing and critiquing the evening's events. My two older associates spoke very openly and freely about their thoughts. I, however, was still very shy and a little embarrassed by the topics. I was still trying to wrap my head around all these new feelings and emotions that surrounded these secret desires that I was still coming to terms with. 

Now I lay here wide awake in bed. My brain is still going a million miles an hour. I have just replayed the whole ordeal in my head from start to finish. I relived every touch, sound, and smell that my senses experienced.

I hope that Nick and Mark liked having me there. I think I did a good job being the game show host? I wasn't actually that cocky or bratty, right? Will they ever invite me to join them again? If not, would I ever find more friends that share this deep, dark secret of mine? What other scenarios and role plays did I want to try next? 

THE END....??????

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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