Chapter 1 - The Messy Mistery

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In the days following the school swim team initiation, I couldn't get it off my mind. Not just the messy hazing itself, but the note I found in my backpack after.

"I know you liked being tied up and messy. Want to do it again?"

Not just had I discovered that I liked being tied up and covered in messy stuff, but it seemed that someone else had discovered my little secret, too. 

After exhaustive research online, I learned that this was a somewhat common interest. Some sites even called it a kink or fetish. That just made it feel even more embarrassing and wrong. I wasn't some kind of perv, was I? 

The worst part about this dirty little secret was that someone else knew too, but I had no clue who it was. 

Being that my backpack was in the locker room the whole time, it had to be someone on the team, right?

I was tortured by these thoughts and questions nonstop for days now. 

I had even gone over all the suspects in my head.

Aiden was with me the whole time, plus we are best buds. No secrets, right? He would have said something, right?

Then there is Connor. That slimy little jerk would have told everyone already just to be a dick. 

Michael didn't seem too angry when I gave him that messy wedgie. Plus, he seems like a cool guy who would keep a secret. 

Nick did notice that I was ticklish and did take part in our tying and gunging. But he is an alpha jock. If he wanted me tied and gunged, he would just force me to do it and not be asking permission with a note. 

As the team captain, Liam probably picked the initiation. Did he pick those things because he likes them too? 

Finally, after days of obsessing over it, I managed to muster up the courage to send an email. All it said was, "Hey." 

As soon as I hit send, I immediately regretted my decision. Partially because I wanted to chicken out, and partially because I couldn't believe that all I could think to write was, "Hey." They must have thought I was a moron or something.

After three excruciating hours of checking my emails constantly, I finally received a response. 

"It took you long enough. Want to meet this weekend? Friday night? I have a place we can use"

They were so chill about it. It was like it was no big deal to them. 

I replied with the obvious question on my mind. "Who is this?"

Almost instantly, my phone buzzed. This time, a text message. From a private number. 

"You will find out who I am soon enough. My secret is just as important as yours. Trust me, and I can trust you. Don't tell anyone, especially Aiden or Owen."

Clearly, they knew me and my friends. That really doesn't shorten my list of suspects, though. The mystery was both worrisome and exciting. 

The next morning, I opened my locker to find an envelope inside. How did it get in there? Inside the envelope was a business card sized piece of rainbow colored paper. It was a free one day trial to a gym downtown.  All Inclusive Fitness. At first, I thought it was someone making fun of me for being small and weak. When I flipped the card over, it had writing on it. The same penmanship from the note. All it said was:

"Friday 8:50pm. Locker 69". 

I quickly hid the card. I had an idea. 

While changing at swim practice that afternoon, I pulled out my phone and sent the number a text, telling them I got the envelope. I watched the locker room, but no one's phone made a sound. No one made a move. Maybe their phone was off? 

A reply came back quickly. "Great. See you then?" That just ruled out every suspect I had. Crap!

Friday evening, I told my parents I was going to a late movie with the guys from the swim team. I took the bus downtown, as I couldn't very well ask for a ride. 

As I approached the gym, I was having second thoughts. My stomach was in knots. I noticed the gym closed at 9 pm. Why meet here to go somewhere else? Red flags were everywhere, but my strange desires were pushing me to go on. 

I entered the lobby and approached the man at the desk. He appeared to be in his late twenties or very early thirties if I had to guess. He had short red hair and clearly spent lots of time at the gym. I could only dream of a body like that. No one would ever bully me at school with those muscles. Emma Thompson would be begging to date me!

He greeted me with a smile and said, "Welcome to All Inclusive Fitness. My name is Connor." I immediately realized that I had a problem. How was I supposed to tell this guy that I am supposed to be here for some secret messy bondage thing and don't even know with who? I just stood there like an idiot, holding out the brightly colored card. "I'm Brayden," I nervously squeaked out. 

"Oh, you have a pass. Let me give you a tour, Brayden." Replied the red head as he put his arm around my shoulders and escorted me into the gym. 

After a very brief tour of the facility, he finished with the men's locker room. It was spotless and smelled far better than the locker rooms at school. 

He said, "I'll leave you here to get ready," as he walked away. Ready? Did he think I was getting changed to work out? 

I stood there awkwardly for a moment before I remembered about the locker number. I darted down the rows until I found my target. It was unlocked. Inside was a folded piece of clothing with a pair of swim goggles and a note placed on top. 

I unfolded the note. It was the same as the others. It read:

Congrats on being brave enough to make it this far. Let's have some fun. Put this on, and knell in the showers. Hands on your head. No peeking!" 

I picked up the piece of clothing. It was a wrestling singlet. Hesitantly, I stripped down and put it on. It was tight and didn't leave much to the imagination. I couldn't help but think that the muscular ginger at the front desk would fill it out much better than my scrawny and pathetic frame. 

Nervously, I walked into the large tiled shower area and got on my knees facing the wall. As I went to put the swim goggles on, I noticed they had been tampered with. The lenses had been painted black. Reluctantly, I put them on and plunged into darkness. 

My heart was pounding, and my body was physically shaking. What had I gotten myself into?


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