Chapter 4 - No Pain, No Gain

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In my best cheesy announcer voice, I announced, "Messy Mark, your answer is...... CORRECT!"

I slowly poured the thick red goop over Nick's head. This caused the jock to moan and curse in defeat while simultaneously sending his lanky competitor into as much of a victory celebration as his bonds would allow. 

Once freed, Mark wasted no time rubbing in his victory, as he quite literally rubbed a pie in his still bound friend's face. Despite his competitive nature, Nick did seem gracious in defeat. Or as gracious as he could be, knowing that the wager placed between the two friends was about to lead to more torment and humiliation for him. 

Mark went off to the side to take a nice warm shower while I treated our bound acquaintance to the same frigid tsunami that I was subjected to earlier. "Dumb jocks that suck at trivia don't get hot water," I teased. 

Nick didn't say anything back, but he did give me a look that said it all. I knew I was going to pay for my cockyness eventually, but I was too busy enjoying the moment to care. 

Once both contestants had cleaned up, Mark untied Nick. He repurposed the rope to tie the jocks hands together in front of him, using the remaining length of rope as a lead to pull his "trophy" along. 

As Nick was led across the locker room, he started to try and talk his way out of the consequences of their friendly wager. "It's getting late. We should probably save this for next time. Brayden probably has to get home. Connor will probably be mad that we are still here, "tried Nick.  

"Zip it, Nicky! I have waited since we were kids to finally beat the great Nicolas Monaghan at anything! I am going to enjoy every last second of this," jokingly replied Mark. 

Mark picked up Nick's gym bag and then led his friend across the gym. They headed directly to a tall framed machine with a tee handle attached to a cable and pulleys. I am no gym rat, but I believe it is used to pull down the handle, which lifts weights.  

The elated nerd wasted no time tying his friends wrists and ankles to the corners of the framework. He made sure to triple check his knots. 

Next, Mark dug through the smelly gym bag and pulled out Nick's phone and air pods. He placed the air pods in the jock ears and held the phone screen up to his face to unlock it. 

"We shouldn't do this. My boss will freak out if we damage a machine, "whined the bound athlete. 

Mark didn't respond. He just fished a well-used and sweat stained sock from the gym bag, then forcibly shoved it in his captive's mouth. The ill behaved jock growled into his toe flavored gag while trying to spit it back out. Mark wasted no time clamping his hand over Nick's mouth. 

I found a roll of vet wrap in the gym bag and tossed it over to Mark. The nerd wasted no time wrapping up Nick's head from chin to forehead, missing only his nose. Mark then started to smirk as he played with his friend's cell phone. "Baby shark on repeat," announced Mark with a smile. 

Seeing the mighty jock willingly bound and vulnerable, in only his speedo was still mind blowing. I say willingly because let's face it, the athletic teen towers over both of us scrawny twerps. He actually has muscles. Being completely honest, he could probably pummel both of us without breaking a sweat. Yet he is still humble and brave enough to trust us to do this to him. This still blows my mind. 

While I was distracted by my thoughts, Mark casually pulled a rotten old Nike basketball shoe from the gym bag. He snuck up behind me and grabbed me in a bear hug. I struggled to break free as he clamped the rancid sneaker over my face. The vinegary stench was nauseating. I coughed and gagged as the fumes burned my lungs. 

"That's for calling me Skidmark early, Freshman!" teased Mark before letting me go. 

As I gasped for fresh air, the vengeful nerd attacked his bound and defenseless friend by tickling Nick's vulnerable armpits. The bound jock roared as he bucked and thrashed against his restraints. 

Eventually, the nerdy nemesis tired of that torture and moved on to the next phase in his evil plan. After struggling to pull the machines tee handle down on his own, Mark shouted for me to "stop standing there like an idiot and help." It took two scrawny weaklings working together, but we were able to pull the bar down far enough and fish it through the leg holes of the incapacitated jock's speedo. Realizing what we were planning, Nick started begging and screaming incoherently. Despite his protests, we slowly released the tee handle, sending the stretchy swimwear skyrocketing up our friends' backside. 

"Well, we better go clean up. You just wait here, "taunted Mark as he motioned for me to follow him back to the locker room.

As we started cleaning up the mess that we had made in the showers, Mark eyed the remaining pail of slime and unused pies. "It would be a shame for this to go to waste. Are you up for round two, freshman?"asked Mark. 

"Heck ya!" I enthusiastically replied. 

I picked up one of the pairs of swim goggles that had been discarded on the shower floor and put them on.

Mark picked up a pie before flipping over an empty pail for me to sit on. As I sat down, I let out a moan as I felt a strange and unexpected sensation. My sneaky associate has placed the pie down on the bucket as I was sitting down. Mark thought that this was quite funny, apparently. 

Before I could completely recover from the strange new squishy sensation, I was hit in the face by the second pie. Mark made sure to swirl it around before sticking the used paper plate to my chest. With the shaving cream now covering my goggles, I didn't see the last two pies coming, as they simultaneously splatted against both sides of my head. 

"Get ready for the slime!" Said Mark, right before I felt the goopy liquid slowly cascading down my head and over my face. The thick red gunge gradually traveled down my body before loudly dripping and dropping on the tile floor below me. 

Although the element of being tied up was missing from this session, it was still an amazing feeling. 

While I cleaned up with a nice hot shower (please don't tell Nick about that part), Mark made quick work of cleaning up our mess and hiding the supplies away in the janitor's closet. 

While we cleaned up, I attempted to make small talk with Mark. Despite being quite socially awkward, he really opened up and became talkative. He told me about when they were little, and they would be bratty and provoke Nick's older brothers for fun. This would often result in the younger boys being tied up and gagged. When the pair were in middle school, they watched a messy kids' game show on tv. This inspired the tweens to begin doing messy dares and bets. Once they got to high school, the former best friends drifted apart. Nick had sports, and Mark had gaming and, well, being bullied relentlessly. Still, the pair tried to find time to relive the good old days in secret. 

I also realized that Mark was a fairly normal kid who had unfortunately attracted the unwanted attention of the school's many bullies back when he was a freshman. I couldn't help but relate to this. 

As we were changing into our street clothes, we heard a commotion in the gym. As we ran out of the changeroom, neither of us was expecting to find what we had walked right into. Attacking our bound and defenseless friend were two large men. 


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