I looked at George and Roger. They both looked at me and shrugged.

I sighed and told them to follow me as we all headed out of the Palace.

Along the way, we stopped and talked to a few of the seller and shop owners who complained about the water supply in the kingdom and that they needed more money.

I kept stealing glances at Mylo as we walked, I didn't like the way he walked with his shoulders deflated and head hung low.

I wanted so badly to tell him to go home and rest, but I knew he would only say he's fine and that he wanted to continue.

All four of us walked into a small shop that cooked food and made dessert. We've been out for about 2 hours, and I thought we all could use something to eat.

When we entered the shop, the aroma of food engulfed me, and I sighed in content.


“This way, your majesty.” George said and led us over to a table in the corner. A couple of seconds later, a lady was standing over our table with a pencil and a notepad. We each gave our orders and the lady left for the kitchen.

“Oh my god!” Someone squealed from the other side of the room.

George and Roger were the first to turn their head,  and I followed suit.

To my surprise, Rhea was the one who made the sound. The creator of the water planet that I forgot the name to.

She covered her mouth with both hands and practically ran over to where we were.

“What a coincidence, you're here, and I'm here too.” She said, her grey eyes staring into my soul. Her blue hair was tied up in a bun on top of her head, and small gems decorated the bun.

I gave her an awkward,tight-lipped smile,and her big doll-like eyes got wider.

“Yeah—”I dragged the word out and looked at the guards for help.

“ —a coincidence indeed” I finished, and she pouted.

“I'm sorry we haven't gotten the chance to talk. The entire situation went down so fast, but I was hoping to run into you. I came here with my beloveds.” She was so cute.

Her cheeks were cubby, and she resembled a chipmunk.

“That's so nice. We were going to eat, do you want to join?” I asked her and looked over at Mylo and the guards. The guards kept a nonchalant look, and Mylo was looking down at the table.

So, there are no objections.

“I would love to, I lost my loved ones some time ago, and I'm all alone, so I would love to join you all.” She said happily and quickly sat down beside me.

Oh no, she just said she came here with her beloveds, which means her mate?


Now she was saying she lost them some time ago. I wonder if they had passed on and she was grieving. That's so sad.

“I'm so sorry to hear that.” I said sincerely, and her big bambi-like eyes filled with sadness.

“It's okay. I'll find them soon.” she mumbled.

That's the spirit.

I gave her an encouraging smile, and she gave me a sweet, full teeth smile, her cheeks doubled in size. A couple of minutes later, the same lady that took our order came back with a tray filled with various kinds of food.

I looked over at Rhea to ask if she would like to order now,but she was already looking at the lady.

“I would like water like a big cup, you know what, just carry the jug of water and a glass and I’ll take two slices of your pineapple cake.” The lady nodded and headed for the kitchen again.

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