Part 15

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1203, France

"Greetings, your majesty." I hear from behind me. I turn to see a man stood behind me and recognise him as one of Rebekah's brothers. "I am Lord Niklaus."

"Ah, yes. Greetings, my lord." I respond, curtsying. Goodness, I will always tire of the constant curtsying. "What is it that I can do for you?"

"Nothing of importance. I was wondering if you would walk with me?" He asks.

"Of course." I turn and join him as he begins to walk.

"So, my sister Rebekah tells me you are looking for a husband." And there it is, the reason why every man has wanted to speak to me since my father decided he wanted me to marry.

"Yes." I murmur, completely sick and tired of the constant questioning.

"I see." Niklaus seems to contemplate for a second. "And how is it that you feel about that?" I'm sorry, excuse me. Someone is actually curious as to how I feel? I fear the world is coming to an end.

"I am not sure. I do wish to marry but the feeling of every eligible and otherwise bachelor wishing for my hand in marriage and to gain the power they will have by being my husband." I feel myself opening up to this man I hardly know. I don't know why but I feel I can trust him.

"Hmm." He hummed. Niklaus then turned and began walking way, before turning back after a couple of steps. "It was nice to meet you, your majesty."

"Please, call me Kehlani." I reply.

1204, France

"My goodness, my lord, you simply mustn't say such things." I giggle, walking through the gardens.

"Now why must I not?" Niklaus asks, his arm looped through mine.

"Because they are simply not words to be spoken by men of your status." I respond.

"Kehlani. Kehlani." Dara rushes over to me, almost slamming straight into me. "You will not believe it. You simply will not."

"What is it, Dara?" I question, confusion written over my face.

"You know how Lord Huddley has been continually attempting to marry you, but you continued to deny his proposal?" Dara asks. I nod, still confused. "Well, you see, father has accepted his proposal on behalf of you. I have just gotten news of it from Aaron. He was there. It was in court as well, meaning now everyone knows you are to marry Lord Huddley."

" That is absolutely ridiculous. I do not wish to marry." I shake my head, trying to deny this new knowledge. "I apologise, my lord. I have other duties to attend to." I turn and practically run towards the castle. I head up numerous flights of stairs, turning left and right, Dara panting behind me. I come to a room and charge in, swinging the tall, wooden doors in. "You accepted Lord Huddley's proposal despite my constant refusal?" I practically scream at my father.

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