Chapter 77: Threats, Welcomes, and Unexpected Offers

Start from the beginning

"He was just looking to spend the afternoon here," Honest said, rolling her eyes.

"Just the afternoon?" Snow asked, smiling again. "He can stay the whole night if he likes. I just put new bedding in the room between Honest's and Silver's," she added, her gaze flitting back to Scourge before she turned and disappeared down the stairs.

"That was Snow?" Scourge asked as soon as she was gone.

Honest crossed her arms, ignoring his question. "Shadow overreacts sometimes," she said bluntly. "He was right; it wasn't his call whether you could stay or not, it was Snow's, and she seems to consider you her highly esteemed guest. Sorry that you had to be threatened with a loaded submachine gun before he realized that."

"No, it's fine," Scourge said, staring after Snow as she walked well into the distance. "With Fiona, it was like being held at gunpoint every single day... minus the gun, of course." He had a faraway look in his eyes as he said, "I'm so glad she's gone, you know, but the multiverse feels kinda empty without her."

Honest huffed and stepped in front of Scourge, roughly grasping his hands in hers and staring up at him with determination. Shadow's head turned ninety degrees, and his crimson eyes burned a hole in the sides of Honest's and Scourge's heads. "I have a proposition for you," Honest told him sternly.

Scourge's eyes were two different sizes as he stared at her with utter confusion. "And... what might that be?"

"I propose you officially appoint me as your royal advisor."

"Royal... who now?" Scourge asked, his eyes uncomprehending white discs.

Honest scoffed. "Why not? I possess exceptional strategic skills, extended knowledge of Moebius's political landscape, and, let's not forget, limitless, undying loyalty to the Crown."

Scourge didn't like the way Honest's eyes sparkled as she said "Crown". "There is no crown anymore, Honest."

"There's nothing a little cellophane tape won't fix," was her quick reply.

Somehow, Honest's offer was alluring. He swallowed hard, his mind in turmoil. "I... I don't know," he stammered. "It's a lot to think about."

"Then think about it. But remember, I'm always here for you, ready to serve in any capacity you see fit," Honest said eventually, letting go of one of his hands and taking one of Shadow's, who looked to be about to draw his weapon again. "I need some fresh air. How about we go for a walk?"

Frankly, the thought of being trapped inside with Shadow any longer was enough to make him agree to a stroll through a raging blizzard, let alone a simple walk. So, once the three had escaped Snow's house through the front door, Scourge immediately took the lead, marching out in front of them. They had walked, eh, maybe a block, when suddenly Scourge started to feel as if someone were watching him. Sure enough, once they had cleared a bunch of tall hedges blocking their view, a fountain was revealed, one only large enough for three, maybe four, Flickies. Still, none other than Honey the Cat (for some reason x2 🤷‍♀️) was perched on the edge like she owned the place. She flicked her tail lazily as they approached, but once she had seen them, her expression brightened.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? The royal entourage on an evening stroll?" Honey asked, her eyes narrowing. "This makes too much sense." Apparently, she still had a bone to pick with the green screen-colored king.

"W-What makes too much sense?" Scourge stammered. Honest immediately assumed some sort of battle pose as if she were afraid Honey would attack.

"That you three would be together, that's all," Honey explained, pointing at them. Her voice lost all its warmth as she stared at Scourge through half-lidded eyes. "I won't forget the weakness you showed me in Carnival Night Zone." The memory of that place came flooding back like a bad dream.

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