The Eve Of The Bully

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Students were filing out of the building as Nelson watched from his tailgate. He knew that she'd be mad that he ditched every class today, but he planned on at least trying to make it up to her tonight at the party, or he'd a least try. So, he thought that he'd start the night off with greeting her after school and asking about the list and how her day was, and of course, offering her a light for the cigarette she'd had tucked behind her ear all day.

He heard her before he saw her, however, and it wasn't soft laughter on the summer breeze, but a scorching comeback caught in the heat of the afternoon. So, he did what any highschooler would do when he hears a fight about to ensue: get closer.

Nelson jumped off the tailgate of the truck, and ran across the parking lot, steel toed boots thudding with every stride. He shoved through the crowd of onlookers, and saw none other than Lisa and Eve, once again. Lisa looked smug about her chances of winning whatever was going on here, but from the look on Jessica's face, he knew that even if he wasn't here, it was gonna be a two versus one if Lisa laid a hand on Eve. So, he didn't break through the front of the crowd, waiting to see what the issue was now.

"What is your fucking problem, Lisa? Are you so bored with your own fucking life that you have to make issues where there are none?" Eve asked, backpack resting on the sidewalk by her feet.

"I'm just trying to be a good friend, that's all I've ever been to you Eve." Lisa shrugged, "You have to realize he's playing you. What would someone like him want with someone like you?"

"Someone like me?"

"Oh come on, Eve, you can't be that sheltered," Lisa laughed, "Once you two have sex, he'll disappear. He'll grow bored of you."

"He didn't seem too bored this weekend," Eve said, "He came back for seconds and thirds. You got what? One lousy kiss seven years ago?"

"He might have you think that he wants more than that, but he'll never love you Eve."

"Sounds like someone's projecting some insecurities," Jessica laughed.

"Oh my god, you're fucking impossible," Eve laughed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "You really can't accept that he would choose me over you. I didn't want to say it, but someone has to. You're not as great as you think you are. You weight like 110 pounds soaking wet, you have like no boobs, and that haircut is hideous, but you know, I guess I guy could overlook that if you weren't so fucking boring, Lis!"

"Me? Boring? That's the best you could come up with?"

"I don't have to go out of my way to come up with nasty insults, Lisa. It's right here in front of me. You act like you're so much better because you're vegetarian and you play an instrument. But that's all you have going for you. It's you're whole fucking personality, and I'd rather be lined up in front of a firing squad than listen to you talk about the Earth ever again. Your voice is so fucking shrill and annoying, you claim to be an activist, but when was the last time you actually did anything for the causes you believe in? You are a walking stereotype Lisa, and not even a good one! You are the most insufferably boring person I've ever met in my entire fucking life!"

Eve's monologue was punctuated, not with a laugh, not with a comeback from Lisa, but with a loud slapping sound. Lisa's blue eyes went wide with fear as she realized what she'd just done, as Eve towered over her. No trace of amusement on her face.

She swung for Lisa, her mind whipping thoughts around at a hundred miles a minute, not a single one of them coherent enough to stand out. Her whole body went hot as she lashed out at the girl who was once her best friend. It had been a long time coming, and yet, neither girl had expected it to come to physical blows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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