The Great Slasher Film

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Eve had managed to lie her way through dinner enough that no one, except maybe Todd, would question her. She'd said that Lisa was already trying to come up with a good idea for the science fair in November. That was probably the truth, and if it wasn't, it sure was believable. She'd then made her way upstairs to take a shower before the rest of the family did. There was never any hot water after Rod got out, and it made her so mad. 

He knew that there were other people in the house that needed to shower, and yet, every night without fail, he used up all the hot water. Todd didn't mind the cold shower for some reason, but Eve could not stand it. Cold water was for swimming holes, not your indoor plumbing. 

She'd gotten in the shower, hoping that the shampoo was enough to get the smell of cigarette smoke out of her hair. Nelson smoked like a chimney when he drank and when he sat right behind you in the car, there was no escaping it. She'd been thankful that no one had pointed it out while they were at the table, and even though she knew they didn't know, she was paranoid that everyone knew that she'd stolen things from the Kwik-E-Mart and drank a few beers with her new friends. She couldn't help but think that it was all going to come out while she was trying to eat her mashed potatoes. 

So, to hide her sins, she used far more soap and shampoo than she normally would. She was sure that it could be smelled through the bathroom door, but she didn't care. Well, she sort of cared. If she used too much, then it would be a little suspicious, but if she didn't used enough, she was still going to smell like smoke. 

She heard her phone start to ring on the counter and just decided to ignore it (and the fact that it was sat on top of her stolen pack of cigarettes). She scrubbed her hair, finally rinsing out the suds and watching the hair-dye stained water run down the drain before she finally got out. 

She grabbed a dark towel to wrap up her hair and used another one to dry off. She quickly got dressed, hiding her cigarettes in her pile of dirty clothes and rushed to her room before she could run into anyone and expose herself.

Once she was in her room, she stashed the cigarettes away in her underwear drawer, the only place she knew her father wouldn't snoop. Then, she checked her phone to see who had been trying to text or call her while she had been in the shower. It was two unsaved numbers. One had tried to call her, and nothing more. The other had sent her several text messages. 

She decided to call the number back first. 

"Hello?" She asked as soon as she heard someone answer. 

"Oh, hey, Eve, you'll never guess how many dweebs I had to pumble to get this number." The other person said, and she recognized them instantly, Nelson, "I just thought that it would be nice to have one of our numbers so we could get together on the movie thing and the Skinner thing." 

"Why didn't you just ask know what forget about it," She asked, holding the phone between her ear and her shoulder while she paced the room clenching and unclenching her fists as she tried to fight off the urge to smoke one of her hidden cigarettes. Nelson had told her that they're supposed to calm your nerves, and with every step outside her room made her heart race knowing that she had those cigarettes in her room at all, "Sorry that I didn't answer before, I was in the shower." 

"Shit, without me?" She heard Jimbo's voice in the background.

"Yes, without you!" Kearney shouted. 

"You have a girlfriend," Dolph said and it sounded like someone shoved someone, "What would Shauna say about you flirting with Eve?" 

"I think the main thing you're forgetting is that she's still a minor, dumbass," Nelson sighed, "Don't worry about it, Eve, we all have things to do, it's not to end of the world that you didn't answer right away." 

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