Breaking the Ten Commandments

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TW: underage drinking and smoking occur in this chapter!

Eve was awoken by the sound of something tapping on her window, which of course sent her into a moment of fear induced paralysis. It's creepy enough to hear something tapping on your window in the middle of the night anyways, but when your room was on the second floor of your house, it takes on a whole other level of scary. She slowly pulled herself from the bed, creeping over to the window and hoping that she'd imagined it.

She pushed open the window, looking out of it to check for any visible spirits or anything of the like lurking out in the night. Instead, she saw a very familiar figure stood down on her lawn, a number of pebbles in her hand. It was Lisa, wide awake and in her pajamas on the Flanders side of the fence.

She waved up at Eve, and then pointed to the treehouse behind her before pushing aside the fence post and slipping back onto her own property.

Lisa hadn't done this in a while, but Eve knew exactly what she wanted. When they were younger, Lisa would throw pebbles at Eve's window when she couldn't sleep and they would hide out in Bart's treehouse for hours, playing with their dolls or reading books. However, when they got older, it switched from playing with dolls to talk of college or boys, and there was a lot of teasing between the two of them. At one point, Lisa was completely sure that Eve would marry Bart just to start some trouble, but obviously that would never come into fruition.

However, Eve suspected that this had nothing to do with Malibu Stacy or Bart. She didn't know what Lisa would want to talk to her about so late at night, but she knew she'd find out at soon as she got to the treehouse which Lisa was already say in, staring at her from the window.

Eve crept down the stairs, knowing that seeing her sneak out would only make her father more upset with her. She wasn't doing all of this to make him mad, but she knew that with all of the changes, little disagreements here and there were bound to happen. So, when she saw him asleep on the couch, the picture of their family clutched against his chest, she couldn't help but feel bad.

She snuck through the living room, praying that she wouldn't fall over something and wake him up. She carefully took the picture frame out of his hand and sat it back on the table, face up this time. She took his glasses off his face, knowing that they could get all bent out of shape if he slept all night with them on. Then, she pulled the throw blanket from the chair that Nelson had been slumped over in and draped it across her father, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

With that, she slipped out the backdoor and across the yard barefoot. The fence post swung easily out of her way to let her into the Simpsons backyard where she hastily climbed up the rickety and very untrustworthy 'ladder' that lead to the treehouse that was in even worse shape than the steps themselves.

Lisa helped pull her into the treehouse, and didn't waste any time getting straight to the point of what she had dragged Eve out of bed to talk about in the middle of the night, "Was Nelson over at your house earlier tonight?"

"Yeah, he was at the Kwik-E-Mart when I clocked out so he brought me home, and my dad invited him in for dinner to thank him for getting me home okay," Eve said with a shrug, still partially asleep, "Why are you jealous or something?"

"Why would I be jealous of you spending time with Nelson?" She laughed, waving her off, "I was just worried that you hadn't been confiding in me the way you used to. Things have already changed an awful lot and it feels like summer just started."

"Or, you could be jealous because you still sort of like Nelson," Eve said, "But I could be wrong, I never have been able to tell with you."

"Oh, no. If you're into him, he's totally free range, like go for it," She giggled, "It would really cheese off your dad though. Good church girl gone bad for local delinquent bully, Nelson Muntz. What a headline that would make for the school paper."

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