On the way back , we talked alot about books and authors and weather and our likes and dislikes. I had never spoken so many words in a day as much as I did with Mabel .

" Hey , Abby. If it's not a problem, can I also work with you in that cafe ? "
She asked while opening the door.

" Yes ! I'll ask the owner. It's perfect. I'm Socially Awkward anyway. With a chill and cheeky girl like you by my side , I wouldn't mess up and get fired" , I practically shouted.

" Cheeky huh ? And you're pursuing Psychology . " , she remarked.

" I mean friendly. You see , I always find ways to make myself embarrassed. If you'd be there , I'd have moral support and I wouldn't make an idiot out of me. " I said in one go.

" Hey, chill out. I'm here. We've got to have each other's back. It's a foreign land and we're practically aliens. Anyway , none of us have a choice rather than kissing each other's ass. We're stuck as roommates for the next three years. " , she laughed while saying it.

" Yeah , now let's change the bedsheet and clean the room before we get sick." I said while taking my jacket off.

"As you say , Sweetie. But beware , I'm not familiar with common chores." , she warned me. She took the brand new bedsheets we bought from the mart.

" And you wanted a job in the cafe." I said while grabbing the sheets.

" Sweetie, I'm a fast learner. Don't underestimate me. " , she said while taking the broom.

We cleaned the room and put on new bedsheets. I organised the food and bottles of water in the mini fridge. Arranged books on our respective desks. We had to work alot to make this room tidy and organised enough for survival at least .
Well , mostly me because she sat there throwing tantrums. This girl was a child imprisoned in a nineteen year old. We both could fill each other's gaps. We laughed and watched a movie and started studying.


Just like that, Tenth of September knocked on my doors. I was anxious. Mabel was with me , we had two common classes. Somehow , I felt confident whenever she was around. She reminded me alot about amy. I missed my family.

I checked myself in the mirror one last time. I wore cream cargos with a full sleeved black sweatshirt. I can't help it. I always preferred baggy clothes mostly.
I had pulled my hair into a ponytail and flickered some hair strands out. I looked cute. I wore my specs, took my bag and locked the door of the room. I checked twice in my bag if I was missing something and put the keys in my pocket and passed the second key to Mabel.

" Hey Abby , calm down. It's the first day. Not your final examination day. And above all , we took a tour around Rivendell according to your wishes. That too twice. " , she said while holding up her fingers.

She was wearing blue jeans with a full sleeved white top and chunky boots. She looked pretty according to me. I wore black sneakers. I felt comfortable in it.

We walked to the university together.



That was what I felt when I entered those huge gates. The university looked like a huge Victorian Palace. Even though I had a tour twice , it still managed to take my breath away. Utterly and Absolutely Beautiful. Rivendell University is out of a fairytale. I could stare at it for hours and not get bored at all. I would make sketches of it, I'd write many poems of it. It was ravishing. Why did Architectures stop making such magnificences ?

It had a huge garden filled with trees and it's shade. Grasses and flowers filling the gaps. I would sit here and read and write and revise my studies. Humans were everywhere but I didn't mind them. They looked good in the picture.

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