Chapter 2

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Accompanied by reading companion and learning about sex, the future book owner looked at his pussy and played with it


[What the author wants to say:]

Attack 16 and receive 15, write some of them first and then write about Little Marquis and Foreign Beautiful Person.


Liu Niansheng sat on a chair, with three vivid books in front of him, which clearly displayed intersex genitalia. The nanny pointed at one picture after another, telling him how he should serve the book owner tomorrow night.

He has known that he is different from those men since he was a child, but he has never understood what is different about him. Today he learned that the female hole between his penis and anus should not exist.

"The mouth, hands, breasts and two acupuncture points of the companion are all used by the book owner. A qualified companion should satisfy the book owner's desire anytime and anywhere..." Nanny taught in a low voice. She just told Liu Niansheng how to take care of the book owner's food and daily life, but later it turned out to be such a blushing boudoir affair.

Liu Niansheng's face heated up when he heard this, thinking that he might have to do this kind of thing with the tall, handsome brother Liu'er tomorrow night, and his heart beat like a drum being beaten.

Nanny pointed to the place in the book where Shuang'er had intercourse with the man, and said: "Don't be afraid, Young Master. Tomorrow night you just need to lie on the bed, open your legs to the Young Master, and let him see your place clearly. They men all know the rest..." Nanny thought that Mrs. Xie was particularly fond of him, so she said: "Young Master, after you ejaculate, don't rush to call someone to wash up, try to keep Yuanyang until the next day. ." Nanny thought she had made it clear enough, so she stopped talking and continued teaching. (Shuang'er - bisexual/intersex in slang terms, not sure:'))

Liu Niansheng was confused when he heard it, wondering why he kept that thing inside.

Xie Yuliu originally wanted to wait outside until Liu Niansheng came out, but the things that the nanny taught Liu Niansheng were obviously much more. He stood outside for half an hour and no one came out. After thinking for a moment, he went elsewhere.

When the sunset was about to disappear, Liu Niansheng came out of the house exhausted. He also held a book in his hand, which was the "Book of Lai Zi" that Mrs. Xie ordered someone to find out from the warehouse. It was full of intersex and man's sexual relations. The various ‌‍‎‌‎lewd‎‍‌promiscuous‌‎‍‎‍‎‎sexual‌‍‌intercourse‎‌‌‎ positions, the nanny asked Liu Niansheng to take them back and take a good look at them, and study them with the Young Master in the future.

Mrs. Xie was thoughtful and wanted to let the two children get to know each other earlier. Before she could find Xie Yuliu, this brat came to her with a food box.

Xie Yuliu had just ordered someone to prepare southern-style food and wanted to deliver it to Liu Niansheng in person, but he was afraid that his mother would conflict with his ideas, so he first came to his mother with a food box.

When Mrs. Xie heard what he said, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile, "Mother was worried that you would not be satisfied with the reading companion, but I didn't expect that my son would grow up first."

Xie Yuliu pretended not to hear the teasing, and said respectfully: "My mother said that Brother Sheng'er came from afar and asked me to be more considerate of him."

Mrs. Xie thought to herself: If you are really so obedient, you will be in trouble.

Her son is smart, humble and polite in front of outsiders, with proper etiquette. He is such a handsome young man.

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