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marjorie's pov:

"MARJORIE" i hear as i jolt awake, in the middle of the nursery?
with last nights paper work as my pillow?
oh no.. i must have fallen asleep here!

"marjorie" i hear again and i look up to see autumn staring down at me, holding a pot of dead flowers.
with a note addressed to me? who would be sending me flowers? and dead ones at that.

well some of them are alive which is a plus i guess?
"what! you can obviously see i was.. asleep?" i reply as i am sick and tired of hearing my own name.

"these were left here this morning and they are addressed to you" she replies.
"oh.. thank you i guess"
i take the flowers from her grasp and place them on the table, trying to not get any dead petals on my paper work.

i see there is a note, it reads:
'Marjorie im very much looking forward to working with you in the future, i'm on my way over now. I hope you like the flowers there is a symbol of our future working relationship,
all my love, the piranha'

i look and and Autumn looks concerned and immediately goes to throw them in the bin, but i stop her. i pick them and and throw them away, once again trying not to get and dead petals on my desk as they are such a pain to clean up.

I'm about to get cleaned up and back to working when i hear Autumn gasp, i look up to see a man standing in the doorway peering over at us both.

"who are you?" i ask curious about who he is and why he is alone in a nursery.
"i am the the new manager of the sister nursery, and you?" he replies.
"i am the manager of this nursery now, get out of my nursery, i have work to complete."
"well this is going to be a fun work relationship" he mutters while walking away.

that reminds me of the note! it must be him that sent me the half dead flowers, what a dick!
they cannot be a symbol of our future working relationship i must change this, now!
thats when i hear my phone ring.
i look over to see reeces' name on the screen,

"what does he want now" i mutter to myself as i pick up.
"what do you want, you literally just left" i start,
"i just wanted to say that i will need to be borrowing some of your staff as i have just fired half of mine" he replies, shocking me.

"no! they are my staff! you need to learn from your actions to not fire staff, yes half of them might have been incompetent but they are still workers!" i steamed

"and who do you think is fired" he swiftly replied
"well.." i attempt to reply but nothing comes to mind.
"yes. now can i borrow staff? just send some over"
he orders as the call ends
"what a prick"

marjoreece 🔥🔥Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang