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Peace of mind played loudly in her ear as she sat in the commons waiting for the bell ring so she could go to her last class of the day .

When it feels this good you better keep it
When it feels this good you better keep her around.

Ashanti silently hummed along to the song just staring off into space

Grabbing her phone she checked the time seeing she had 4 minutes before the bell rang making her get up and collect her things.

Ashanti always liked being first to class since she could pick any seat and also be out the hall by the time it starts getting crowded and chaotic.

As she started to walk she noticed Mariah and summer was walking toward her making her mentally roll her eyes .

By the time she grabbed her phone and paused the music Mariah and summer was in front of her .

"Uh hey shanti, I'm sorry for blowing up on you and I'm sorry for saying anything that might've offended you I was mad and you were just In the way" Mariah shrugged "apologizing"

"Is that your way of apologizing?You could do way better , excuse me I gotta get to class" Ashanti tried walking but they just blocked her

"Bitch I just apologize to you even after you were being fake the least you could do is accept it!" Mariah raised her voice a little .

"Bitch? Mariah don't even .. and I was never being fake your jus weird I don't have to accept anything your a colorist you literally called me a dark bitch like what that's weird for someone to be black aswell and sometime receive the same treatment as me but your so stupid you laugh at every joke someone make about you so you can fit in." Ashanti spoke scrunching up her face.

Mariah put her bookbag down stepping up a little closer to Ashanti " you know I've had enough of you I don't even know why I chose to be your friend, maybe because I felt bad for your lonely black ass all I ever did was stick up for you dumbass"

Ashanti shook it off trying to walk around them but only ended in Mariah stopping her "at this point do you wanna fight ?"

"Mariah I never asked you to stick up for me you chose to, like you really wanna fight me because I simply don't wanna accept you wack ass apology, and please let another racist thing come out your mouth about me." Ashanti spoke fed up with everything .

She was fed up with coming to this school everyday feeling like an outsider, feeling unwelcomed , she was tired of the racism, and she was tired of getting bullied .

"Or what ? You dumb burnt-" Mariah was cut off once Ashanti dropped her things swinging catching her in her mouth .

Stumbling back Mariah quickly ran back up catching multiple hit from Ashanti- Ashanti took Mariah hair swinging her into the locker releasing every bit of anger into each punch while  a female who was just chilling in the hallway started recording.

From that point on everything went black for Ashanti .


"Shanti really?! Expelled! All that hard work to get you into that school just for you to throw it all away"shanti mom yelled while she sat on the couch listening .

There wasn't nothing Ashanti could say because she was still processing what happened aswell she never knew she could do what she did today but all honestly she felt good about it .

"SHANTI!" Her mom yelled louder snapping her out her thoughts.

"Ma'am?"shanti questioned quietly

"Why'd you do it ?" She asked making Ashanti shake her head

"She was rude and made multiple comments about my skin complexion eventually I just lost it ."Ashanti shrugged

"Get up and go to your room I can't even do this right now"her mom stressed plopping down on the couch.

Quickly Ashanti got up making her way into the her room .

Uhm shanti why is there a video of you
Fighting all over twitter and instagram...

Ashanti eyes widened as she read the message making her click on instagram seeing her timeline full of the video and multiple followers aswell as text asking "is this you?" Or "what happened?"

Her phone rung and she saw it was Logan making her answer "shanti what in thee entire fuck your literally famous, what happened I thought she was your friend ?"

Ashanti sighed taking a seat on her bed "she walked up to me tryna apologize to me about a situation and got mad when I didn't accept it so she started being racist and stuff so I hit her then after that I remember grabbing her hair then blacking out"


Hours had passed and Ashanti's mom came and broke the news that she was starting her new school Monday which she was kinda nervous about but atleast she wasn't going to Hampton

Plus her and Logan finally were going to go school together she honestly couldn't wait .

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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