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School for Ashanti went by thanks to her AirPods , the whole day she did nothing but listen to music.

"Shan Shan are you coming to my doctor appointment today?"mickey asked as her and their mother sat in the living room.

"Nope not this time I have stuff to do today "shanti shook her head.

Looking over at her mom she could tell she was down for some reason but she didn't know why .

A call from shanti phone snapped her out her thinking making her look at it but it was an unknown number making her answer.

"Hello, who's this?"she questioned standing up .

"Oh so you didn't save my number"the voice of trey rung through the phone

Muting the phone she run upstairs and into her room almost tripping

"My bad you didn't say you were gonna call me trey."shanti sat on the bed catching her breathe

"I never knew there was a date to call you I'm sorry" trey chuckled but she didn't find nothing funny .

"Whatchu got going today?"he questioned

"Uh I got plans with Logan today I honestly don't know to much about what we doing ." She shrugged as if he could see her

"Oh alright imma hit you back tho , pick up the phone shanti" he spoke sternly .

"I will bye ." She hung up the phone.

She was really confuse because what was his point in calling her , maybe he jus wanted attention.

Connecting her phone to the tv through AirPlay she went on Apple Music clicking on rod wave new album pressing shuffling.

Hearing nostalgia she instantly smiling loving the song.

Throwing her phone on the bed she took a seat at her vanity taking the big bonnet off


Logan and Ashanti walked up to the park as they talked about nothing serious "shanti who goes in a gas station and randomly grab a spicy pickle?"

Before Ashanti answered she slurped on the pickle taking a bite "what? I get them everyday plus they are really good you should try them."

"Ouee and while your at it cut the tip off and stuff it with takis , and then boom! You got you A late night snack " Ashanti added on

"Bro ewww that's a weird combination I should've knew you was weird when you was sitting there eating warheads back to back like it wasn't sour ."Logan laughed as they walked inside the park.

Ashanti shrugged continuing to eat her pickle - she'd notice the same people that were from the game were here plus more .

"I haven't told you but this is we're half the school be on weekends people link up here to play basketball, smoke , chill, and it be hella fights out here"Logan explained as they mad they way to the bench .

"I remember this girl got exposed and beat up the nigga boy-Logan! Stop being so damn messy always gossiping" a random dude cut her off .

Logan took a seat on the bench as her face scrunched up "Jaylen shut the fuck up , where the rest of the group ? I thought everyone was out"

"They in the shed, this the girl you be posting bout ?" Jaylen looked over at Ashanti making her give him an awkward smile .

"Yes , Jaylen this is Ashanti my bestfriend and Ashanti this is Jaylen basically my brother"Logan introduced them

"Hey nice to meet you "Ashanti spoke still smiling.

"Ew stop smiling like that" Jaylen joked instantly getting hit by Logan "I'm jus playinggg hey Ashanti nice meeting you to , but yall come to the shed"

Getting up Logan and Ashanti made there way to the shed as Jaylen led them .

"Ay Ashanti they smoking in here , you gone hit the blunt?" Jaylen asked looking back at her.

Ashanti never participated in doing any drugs or alcohols simple because she was never around it or had access to it .

"I guess so" Ashanti shrugged this was her first time being around them she didn't wanna seem lame or anything

Logan quickly stopped her before they entered the shed "what y'all stopping for?" Jaylen's asked stopping aswell.

"Jaylen  you can go in we gone be there in a second" Logan swatted him away

Shrugging Jaylen entered the shed leaving the two alone " shanti I know you never smoked before just because their in there smoking don't mean you have to and at any point you feel uncomfortable just tm and we will leave okay?".

"Okayyy Logan goddangg"shanti shook her head since Logan always felt to be overly protective over her at times.

Logan slowly nodded taking her hand and pulling her inside the shed.-the shed was completely smoked out and loud music played from the speakers as a couple people sat on chairs sharing conversations.

"Hey guysss, this is my bestfriend Ashanti" Logan introduced her once again .

Everyone spoke to her except one person but she wasn't worried because she was tried of talking anyway .

Quickly this girl and learned her name was Ariana passed her the blunt making her take and and examine it " oh girl don't worry I didn't do anything to it"

"N-no it's just I don't really know how to smoke it's my first time"Ashanti explained .

"It's okay it's easy just inhale it and kinda like swallow it"Arianna told her as she looked back trying tn catch someone attention "Keith can you grab her a water bottle please"

"What I need a water bottle for?"ashanti questioned.

Arianna laughed at her statement confusing Ashanti "trust me your gonna need it after you inhale that , it's pulling like a mf that right there is what you call a back wood"

Backwood? Ashanti didn't know what she was talking bout but she laughed aswell before taking a pull from the blunt not swallowing it instantly and took a look at Arianna seeing if she was doing it right .

Arianna nodded making her swallow it instantly feeling her chest tighten as she coughed.

Ariana laughed as she swapped the blunt out with the water bottle that Keith had just given her. "You'll get the hang of it."

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