Chapter 40

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Charlotte: "Hello?"

Ashton: "Oh I can hear Operator Gonte now"

Alex: "Weird"

Charlotte: "Perfect, guys please subdue as much of the civilians outside as you can, they're showing symptoms similar to red fury effects, some of them have already left the Circle Office Building Area "

Ashton: "Roger"

Everyone runs outside

All the cops that were there subdued a lot of them already but it's already visible that the ones who escaped are terrorizing the streets.

Alex: "This is bad, we can't have people on the streets if these people are just going to rage at the sight of them, we need to tell broadcasting channels to tell the people to stay inside"

Charlotte: "Guys, this isn't good."

Ashton: "What now?"

Charlotte: "It's been reported that the same effects have spread throughout all the hospitals"

Alex: "No way...."

Chapter 40

*An hour after the Mayor's speech*

News Channels: "Please stay inside, if you aren't inside right now, we'd advise you to go back home right now, there's been an outbreak of people affected by this drug known as "red fury" it enrages the recipient making them act violent whenever they see people, it's foreseen that within the next week if this continues , this city will be in shambles not safe for anyone to come out. That is all for today, please heed our warnings."

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