Chapter 25

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Ethan grabs the flag and tries taking it



back to the stairs



But he can't move it from it's post



Luke: "I knew this would come in handy"



The knife is wrapped around the flag with a chain that Luke is holding



Ethan lets go of the flag



Luke tries pulling it with the chain he has connected but it's going exactly how Ethan predicted



Before the flag gets to Luke



Ethan draws his katana and swipes upward under the chain and rotates his body to the other side wrapping Luke's chain around Ethan's sword



Ethan: "If you want the flag, then you're going to have to get it out my grasp"



Luke: "That'll be easy"



Chapter 25



Ethan: "You can't win this fight, it'll be just like in our entry competition"



Luke throws his other dagger


And lets the other dagger connected to the chain untie



Ethan: "Where are you aiming?"



Luke  lunges  his chain forward at Ethan



Ethan dodges again and runs back to the door which he came in since the flag is in his possession now



Luke's dagger(the one he threw) magnetizes back to the chain which he pulls back and grazes Ethan with



Luke: "This doesn't remind me of the entry competition"



Ethan: "So that's how you wanna play"

Tangled Vengeance (On Break)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora