Chapter 7

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Andy: "Enter the preparation room and put on your suits, you can talk to the operator about which melee weapon you want..."

Ethan and Luke suit up

Ethan: "I'll take a trusty katana"

Operator: "No problem"

Luke: "Can I get two daggers?"

Operator: "I got you"

Luke and Ethan walk out in their simulation body suits.

Andy: "Now enter this room and put this VR headset on, once you enter the simulation you'll be broadcasted on the screens on the walls"

Luke and Ethan enter and put on their headsets

Andy: "Everyone face the screen! The simulation has begun!"

Chapter 7

Luke: "Where are we?"

Ethan: "This appears to be East Tek."

Operator: "..llo...Hello? Can you guys hear me?"

Luke and Ethan: "Yes."

Operator: "You've been sent out to find the source responsible for killing the man known as James Smith. Look at your wrists; on the screen of your glove, I've sent the coordinates of the location he was last seen in."

Ethan: "Many thanks, we will find the suspect."

Luke: "Let's do it."

Ethan and Luke walk to the location and pass "Burger Palace."

Luke: "Let's take a stop, I am hungry."

Ethan: "We are on a mission, Luke, and we are within a simulation, so you cannot digest food here."

Luke: "Oh, you're right."

Luke: "Well, you seem cool, wanna grab a bite at Burger Palace after the Entry Competition? Food's on you?"


Luke: "Too late, you already agreed." Luke says with a smirk.

Everyone watching them in the simulation laughs except for Alex and Nigel.

Alex catches Nigel looking at him with a sense of discontent.

Alex pretends not to see him, though.

Operator: "Focus on the mission, you guys."

Luke: "RIGHT! I have a free meal after this."

Ethan: "NO, YOU DON'T!"

Alex and Luke approach a house.

Operator: "This is the place, now enter the house."

Ethan and Luke enter the house.

Luke: "It's so empty in here. ECHOOO!!!!"

Ethan: "Stop that! What if someone of interest is here and leaves because of you?"

Luke: "Oops, sorry."

Ethan and Luke check around the house.

Ethan comes across an office.

Ethan: "Luke! Come here!"

Luke: "I'm coming!"

Luke and Ethan are in front of a door with a hole in it, like someone somehow punched a hole in it.

Ethan: "They didn't do a good job of covering this up."

Luke tries to open the door, but it's locked.

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