Chapter 5

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Xelqua wipes away the tears, he had been thankful that during the month he had stayed here on the server, he had recovered some memories. They were all mostly just fond and happy memories, memories he shares with his family. A family he doesn't even remember fully, but he knew had loved him so very much.

Up until their deaths.

That is something he had always remembered, no matter how much he doesn't want to– ironically enough, he always remembers it. Their final moments before they succumbed to the hands of death.

He doesn't even remember any of their faces, isn't that just cruel? The memories of his family all dying a painful end, remaining faceless as he struggles to recall what they even looked like. Yet despite that, he could recall small details about each and every one of them. Details that make them stand out. It was enough for him to know how unique and special each and everyone of them are. And yet...

He couldn't even remember them at all.

With a sigh, he blankly stares up at the sky slowly turning to night, he smiles a little as he looks at the colors. How it blends so well together. The remaining rise of the sun turns the sky into a red-orange glow as the blue of the sky slowly turns violet to midnight blue as stars begin to glow in sight.

He faintly wondered if his late family were watching him as the stars, with another sigh, he uncurled his wings and headed inside via the open window. He made sure to not make a single sound, then looked at his adopted family. They had taken him in, despite how unusual their case had been, the literal fact that he had been summoned by Xisuma and then promptly adopted. He had asked Wels if Xisuma adopting the first person he sees is normal.

Imagine his surprise when he's told that, that is exactly what Xisuma does when he sees someone that's lost or in need of a home to escape their past.

No wonder everyone on this server is so very out of place, but at the same time, fits in so well that it just somehow works. From the redstone genius that breaks all laws of logic to the builders that can build beyond imaginations, as well as the storytellers and the game makers. It all somehow just fits so very well.

It's an honor to be considered a part of this server, well, not officially yet. But still an honor nonetheless. Maybe, even after he had regained all of his memories, he will stay on this server and safeguard them all until the day they all must part ways. Hopefully, when such time comes, it won't be for a very long time.

Although, first thing first, he should make the nest of blankets and pillows more comfortable. He loves his brothers and best friend, but they have done a terrible job in making the nest. It makes him wonder how they could have been so fine with making it this way, but alas, it seems as though he would have to clean up a bit and make it a lot more comfier.

Good thing they're all heavy sleepers when thoroughly exhausted!

Except maybe Exavian, he's pretty sure he's insomniac, the amount of time he sees him wake up in the middle of the night from a nightmare is too much for his taste...

Anywho, being ever so gently, he picked up each and every one of his family with his magic– yes, his magic. He hasn't fully explored how much he could do with it, but he could at least pick up anything and anyone with it. Kinda like levitation or something, but it should be enough to not disturbed his sleeping family.

He then gathered all the pillows and blankets he could find and set it up as a very comfortable looking nest. Once that was all done, he gently brought down his family and ensured that they were all comfortable. Content that they're all comfortable, he gently puts them all down, then pulls a blanket over them all.

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