Chapter 2

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"So, let me get this straight, you found a supposedly blank book from the library from our home dimension, brought it over cause you were told to keep it. Then when you opened it, it suddenly floated away, glow and boom! An apparent god appeared and they're amnesiac?" Exavian summarized, Xisuma nodded in confirmation. "Yep! Plus I even gave them the name, Xelqua!" Xisuma answered ever so cheerfully, fully unaware that said person was lurking behind the couch like a curious cat.

Exavian just sighs in exasperation, again.

"And you want to keep them because...?" He trailed off, unsure what to even expect anymore. At all. "They're amnesiac and it hasn't been very long and I already have grown attached, enough that they're my child now." Xisuma admitted like it's the most normal thing he had ever said, Exavian knows otherwise and just simply facepalm. How were they brothers? He wasn't sure, but he was certainly glad that he was the older brother and not Xisuma.

"Actually, little brother is a bit more convincing don't you think? Sure he sorta has a honey brown hair color, but if I add enough brown dye it should be a similar shade to my own– teach him how to change his height– we could be twins!"

"Xisuma, it has only been what? Ten minutes? And you already want to adopt a literal god into the family."

"...Is that a yes?"

Exavian just smacked him upside the head. "Idiot, how the heck are we supposed to explain their presence to the rest of the server, hm?" He remembered, allowing Xisuma to slowly let that sink in for a moment, then groan as he covered his face, knowing exactly what he meant by that. Xelqua just chirps in confusion. "What are you guys talking about?" Xelqua questioned, causing the Void Twins to stare at them in concern. "Xelqua, can you speak common?" Xisuma asked in concern, earning silence as their response.

Until Xelqua finally did in fact give an answer in the form of a more quiet and raspy voice. "I...I think so...I think, it's been a long time since I spoke in Common." Xelqua answered honestly, but they instantly cringed at how terrible their voice had sounded, Exavian and Xisuma both cringe as well, having not expected for them to sound so terrible either. Just what had happened to the god prior to being summoned– accidentally really– by Xisuma? They weren't sure and they weren't keen on finding out so soon.

At all.

But at least they know that he could speak common, so they don't have to worry about the others asking about why he is speaking in Galactic at all. Which, they are so definitely going to use to their advantages anyways. Everyone in the server can't understand it, save for the Void Brothers.

"So he knows Common, which is great, now the next concern is his appearance, then we have to teach him everything about the servers considering, well, amnesiac." Xisuma brought up as he tried to think of ways to help their local amnesiac god that they have claimed as their family. Maybe reading the book properly would give them the clues they would need, but he highly doubts it would be all that helpful, for one thing, when he had skimmed through the book, it didn't really tell them much about their names.

Only that they were a God of Freedom and Safety.

Somehow, it had made more sense as he looked at Xelqua, listening intently to all the things that Exavian was telling him. From the flutter of his wings, he can tell that he was definitely excited or happy about something, he just hopes that Exavian wasn't teaching him about pranks, but he's very sure he's going to learn about the pranks and such anyways.

He can already see Exavian showing what and how TNT works.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad leaving them be to whatever while he does some research and his actual job as an Admin. Yeah, he'll do just that for the time being, it's not like they're going to cause enough havoc that the Hermits would think there's a local cryptic on the server. Well, should he get to work on the codings, he can trust Exavian just enough to teach Xelqua the basics of everything in their world and how the Hermitcraft server works.

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