Chapter Twenty-Three

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The corner of Phil Coulson's mouth curled in a smile. "You haven't called me that in a long time." His gaze softened as he ran his eyes over you looking for any sign of injury.

He wasn't real. He couldn't be. This was some side effect of the shit they pumped into your veins. You were hallucinating. Or you were dead and he was here to greet you. You were pretty sure you hurt too much to be dead though. Either that or the afterlife sucked.

"I don't..." you started as you took a step in his direction, not trusting your own senses. Your hands trembled. "You died. You bled out while I was on the other side of the world chasing ghosts. You can't be here."

He stepped forward, holstering his weapon before holding his hands out to the side as he closed the space between you. You vaguely registered the callings of all clears ringing through the base and the hallway filling with SHIELD and Avengers alike. They maintained their distance from the little group of you gathered near Strucker. You were vaguely aware of Bucky hovering somewhere close behind you. But for once, he didn't hold all your attention. Not when you were faced with the ghost of your father.

You narrowed your gaze at the man in front of you as you reached out a tentative hand to touch his chest. As soon as you came in contact with a solid form, a broken sound escaped your throat and you threw yourself into his arms. You gripped him tightly and buried your head against his chest. "How are you here? Where have you been? I don't understand."

"It is a very long story which I will explain in detail once we get you home." You nodded and pulled yourself together as you released him. You had a job to do. One more thing to take care of before this was finished.

You turned back to where Strucker waited on his knees. You made a point of not looking at Bucky. You didn't know how you'd begin to explain to him the things you'd done thinking you were saving him. He'll be so disappointed in you when he learns the truth. He moved so he was a warm wall at your back and said your name softly.

You closed your eyes and took a breath. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

One large hand found your waist and gave a gentle squeeze. "What are you sorry for, baby?"

A low, ugly laugh grabbed your attention and your eyes snapped open to find Strucker sneering at you. He was still on his knees, Wade keeping guard behind him with a katana resting against the asshole's neck. Explained why'd he'd been quiet thus far. "She is apologizing for what she became in your absence. She isn't yours anymore, Barnes." Disgust dripped from his lips as he spat out the name. "She is Nicto. She is ours."

Wade smacked Strucker in the back of the head causing his monocle to drop from its usual position and bounce against his chest. "Shut it, Mr. Peanut."

You couldn't help the huff of laughter at the nickname. Only Wade. "What are we doing with him?" Stark asked with a gesture to the prisoner.

"We take him into SHIELD, of course." That was Steve. America's righteous son, always wanting to do the right thing. Sometimes it wasn't that easy.

Your dad cleared his throat. "I'm not sure that's the best idea. We have to consider the possibility that SHIELD is compromised."

The chatter in the hallway quieted as everyone took in the implications of those words. The SHIELD soldiers that were in the room with you shifted uneasily on their feet. "It is. But are you sure you want to keep this off book?" you asked him.

"No, but this entire operation had to be taken off book. None of us are officially here despite the fact this is a major Hydra facility. There have been a lot of blocks across the board. Fury is concerned, as am I. We won't risk losing him." His tone was matter-of-fact and you only caught the concern in it because you knew him so well.

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