Chapter Nineteen

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You'd received the message loud and clear.

Cooperate with Hydra or be destroyed.

You didn't want to do what they ordered. Didn't want to steal, to kill, to devastate but they would see you do it one way or another. If you continued to resist and they turned you into one of their killing machines, who knew the horrors they would use you to commit. And there would be nothing left of you to stop it.

They wouldn't believe their 'treatments' suddenly started working so you needed them to believe you'd made a choice. They needed to believe you chose Hydra to save yourself. It was the only way to buy yourself enough time to get out with your brain intact.

When Strucker arrived the next day, he ordered them to shock you again.

"Wait," you interrupted when they went to put the bit in your mouth. You were so tired of them frying your brain.

He held up a hand to stop them. "What is it, my Nicto?" he asked when you remained quiet.

You suppressed a shudder of revulsion at being called his. "I'll do what you want. I'll stop fighting. more."

He stepped closer and smiled down at you, his hands behind his back. "And how could I possibly believe that? You've always been stubborn. Willful. It's such a joy to break you normally. Unfortunately, Pierce has no appreciation for my work. You can't rush art and he wants results immediately."

"How much fun will it be when there's nothing of me left? No snark. No fight. Let me train and I'll prove it to you. I'll follow orders like a good little soldier." You'd beg if you had to, though you really hoped it didn't come to that.

Strucker studied you for another long moment before lifting a hand to gesture to someone on the other side of the room. He was handed a long syringe. Your eyes followed the glint as light reflected off the needle.

"What is that?"

"This?" He wiped your arm down with rubbing alcohol. "This is merely a sedative. Nothing to fret about. We need you still while we perform the procedure. We wouldn't want to damage the parts of your brain we wish to keep, now would we?"

With that, you fought the best you could, jerking against your restraints and shaking your head while you screamed at the top of your lungs. You couldn't let them do this. You'd rather die than be their slave. As anyone could have predicted your resistance was ineffective. Strucker's needle still found your arm and his drug flooded your system. In moments the edges of your vision blurred as sleep pressed heavy on your mind. Finally, you could fight no more and your world went black.


The team was gathered in an empty hangar at the SHIELD facility. They were using it as a central meeting place for the help they'd called in to rescue you. Bucky sat in a chair along the wall chewing on the end of his thumb while his leg bounced. Anxiety had him tied up in knots and the coffee he was mainlining wasn't helping. He'd relax when you were back in his arms. Not before.

He stood as Fury strode into the room, a small group of ten agents trailing behind him. "Stark," Fury greeted as Tony met him halfway. They shook hands then Fury looked at the rest of them. "SHIELD will not be helping with this mission."

Steve's hand immediately found Bucky's shoulder to hold him in place before he could do something he probably wouldn't regret that much. Others were protesting. Loudly.

Fury held up both hands. "Calm down and let me finish."

The team continued to talk over each other as they voiced their displeasure.

Open Wounds - A Bucky Barnes Soulmate AUWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu