Chapter Eight

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You'd awoken just after four in the morning with a dream and were unable to go back to sleep. So you'd made the coffee and found yourself a spot at the side of the room where you could watch the Avengers pass through as they woke. You weren't certain half of them even realized you were there.

"What's your plan for the day?" Natasha asked as she ate. She didn't glance at you, but you knew the words were meant for you just the same.

"I need to pick up Lola from the base."

Tony jerked in his seat and looked over his shoulder to where you sat in the corner. "Jesus. How long have you been sitting there?"

You simply smirked and lifted your mug in a mock salute.

"Lola? Who's Lola?" Steve asked.

Nat grinned. "Her car."

"Your car's name is Lola?" Sam asked with a little smile.

You shrugged. "I didn't name her."

"Lola's not going anywhere. You need to audition for the team this morning," Clint said as he handed you a breakfast sandwich.

"What do I have to audition for? They let you on." You took a big bite of the sandwich and gave him a closed lip smile as you chewed.

"That hurts me, Nikki. Seriously."

"Nikki?" Tony asked.

"Long story," Clint responded immediately shooting you a look to say sorry. You ignored him. He'd been calling you that for over a decade at this point. You didn't expect him to stop just in case someone read something into it.

"I don't recall agreeing to join the team though," you said. "In fact, I'd intended to head to Sister Margaret's after breakfast."

"No." The word came in unison from three different voices, Bucky joining in with Nat and Clint.

You rolled your eyes and finished off your sandwich. "Fine. Let's get this over with then."


Bucky stood to the side with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you spar. He planted his feet and forced himself to not react anytime one of your opponents' blows landed. You'd started with Clint but quickly moved onto Natasha. You were more than holding your own.

"Nicely done," Steve announced as he stepped forward. "But how do we know Nat's not taking it easy on you?"

"Really, Rogers?" the assassin snapped.

Bucky smirked. Sometimes his best friend was really stupid.

"Fine then, Captain. You fight me." You seemed completely unbothered by this prospect. If anything, you sounded a bit bored.

Steve glanced back at Bucky who simply shrugged. Did he want you two fighting? Of course not. But he also knew Steve would try not to hurt you. The blond climbed into the ring with you taking Nat's place. Bucky shifted his weight as his gaze flicked between the two of you.

You were the first to attack. Steve dodged but the look on his face said you'd surprised him with your speed. Punches and kicks were thrown in equal measure. Some were dodged while others hit their mark. It was about five minutes in when you flipped Steve and he landed on his back in the middle of the ring.

Bucky couldn't keep the grin from his face when you smirked down at your opponent. "Captain." You held out a hand for Steve.

He took it and let you help him to his feet. "You're strong. And fast."

You arched a brow. "There's a reason Coulson was the one to adopt me. And why I was allowed to grow up in SHIELD." You bent your elbow to show off the arm that had been thoroughly marked up the day before. The wounds were faded and looked as if they'd been healing for days rather than hours. Bucky rubbed his own arm where the matching marks laid. What were you exactly?

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