"Oh, um... okay." I say, not really knowing what else to say. "Goodnight. Love you guys."

With that, I turned around and walked straight to bed.

Present time...

I hear whispers as my eyes stay closed. It's a very special day. My 18th birthday. The better part is that it's Friday, meaning I can go out tonight with my parents and Kylie. Kylie is my best friend and really the only person in this world I can trust, besides my parents.

The noise of a party whistler makes my eyes bolt open and I'm greeted by my parents.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They both shouted.

I chuckle. I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my glasses and placed them on my face so that I could get a clearer look. Mom walked to my window and opened the curtain, letting the sunlight shine through my room.

"Thanks, you guys." I smiled. "I appreciate the two of you so much."

"We love you even more, honey." Dad smiled and kissed my forehead. "You know, you don't have to go to school today. It is your special day."

I shook my head. "I have a very exciting assignment today in forensics class that I really don't want to miss." I told him.

Mama chuckled. "Whatever you want, baby."

I'm surprised that they haven't brought up the whole marriage thing. I definitely haven't forgotten. The last time I heard about it was two days before my 17th birthday last year. I still haven't met the Antonio guy yet. Apparently, I'm supposed to meet him around my birthday. Or in this case, after.

"We have important things to talk about." Mom said. "Don't take too long getting ready."

"Yes ma'am." I knew it. They both exited my room and I was left alone. I picked up my phone and as expected, saw a huge 'happy birthday' text from Kylie. She's always been so extra, but I love her for it.

I soon got out of bed and got ready for school. I love going to school. All of my teachers love me, I don't really have a lot of friends so I'm not caught up in anything bad, and I maintained straight A's throughout my high school years. The best thing about senior year is that I only have 1st and 2nd period and get to go him after that.

Kylie bought for me a birthday sash from the mall the last time we went and I had promised her that I would wear it to school today so I placed it on over my clothes. She wanted to throw a huge party for me but I'm already going to be having a party. My wedding and the after party.

I told Kylie that I was arranged to get married when we were 16. I had liked this guy in my chemistry class and Kylie couldn't stop biting my head off about why I didn't talk to him. Me getting married was already a huge enough secret and I didn't want to keep it from her, so I told her. She didn't get it at first, but the more I told her, the more she understood.

I grabbed my phone and my backpack and walked downstairs. I could smell the fresh scent of bacon filling my nostrils. I love my Mom's cooking. She's always cooking for me and Dad.

Ever since that night when I was 10, there haven't been anymore arguments between my parents. Well, none that I've heard. I guess the whole 'me getting married' thing had them in a bad place, but they seem fine now.

To this day, I still don't know what Dad did to piss off the parents of the guy I'm supposed to marry. I've only asked once and he'd gotten mad at me for asking, so I didn't ask anymore.

"There she is!" A squeal from my best friend, Kylie, made me smile. She does this every year on my birthday. She comes to our house early and joins my parents and I for breakfast. She walked to me and pulled me in a hug. "Happy birthday, pooks!"

I rolled my eyes. "I've told you millions of times to stop calling me that." I told her.

She chuckles. "Lighten up, Rory." She lightly shoved my shoulder and I smiled. She knows I can't stand her sometimes.

"I'm glad you're here." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and we walked to the counter where plates of slices of bacon, a sunny-side up egg, and fruit were sitting. "Thank you, Mama." I smiled at Mama who was making her coffee.

"Only the best for you darlings." She replied.

After eating breakfast, Kylie and I took off for school. Before I left, I of course hugged and kissed my parents goodbye. I unfortunately can't drive yet so Kylie takes me to school and home.

"So... are you nervous?" She asked while we were driving.

"Nervous about what?"

"The whole 'getting married' thing." She replied. I sat back in the seat and looked out the window. "I know you don't like talking about it, but you're 18 now. Your wedding is in two weeks." She explained. "You're going to have to talk about it now."

"I am nervous." I confirmed. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about it. "I don't even know when I'm going to meet him." I groaned. This whole marriage thing is hard for me.

"Do you think there's already a wedding dress picked out for you?" She asked.

"Oh, I know it is." I confirmed. "Mom told me that they'll already have one made."

This sucks. It's my own wedding and I can't even pick out my own dress.

Kylie sucks her teeth. "That's tragic." She rolled her eyes. "Let's stop talking about it. We're at school, let's just enjoy the 2-3 hours we have here, okay?"

I nodded. "Yes. I don't want to talk about the whole marriage thing."

We got out of the car and started walking in the school building. On my way to my locker, I bump into Daniel. Daniel is really mysterious. He doesn't talk to me most times. I still don't know why.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Daniel." I apologized, picking up the books that had fell from his hand.

"No worries, Aurora." He smiled. "Oh, and happy birthday." He added. How does he know? He doesn't follow me on any of my social medias.

I didn't say anything and just smiled in response. "Thank you." I gave him a friendly smile and continued my way to my first period class.

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