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8 years ago...

It's hard to fall asleep. Mom and Dad are fighting, again. It's been a long day at school and I wish I could just block out the noise and sleep, but I can't.

I got a new classmate today. He was really quiet, and kind of mean when I had approached him. I told Mama and she said to leave people like that alone and that they probably prefer to not have any friends and like to be by themselves. That makes me sad.

I don't have much friends, but I don't like being by myself. It's scary sometimes.

I wish I knew why Mom and Dad were fighting, but I don't. I could eavesdrop, maybe? I know Dad hates when I eavesdrop but I can't help it sometimes. I'm really curious about what goes on, Mom doesn't ever tell me anything, though.

I got out of bed and slipped on my bed robe. The shouts from Mom and Dad gets louder as I move closer to their door. Before I could blink, the door opened so quick, I couldn't even run back in my room.

Dad stood there. His face looking like he wanted to cry. Mom was crying. Did someone die? Was it Pop? I know Mama loves Pop very much and ever since his heart attack last year, we always worried that one night, he would just pass on.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Daddy asked me. I held my head down, knowing I would probably get a scolding for eavesdropping.

I fiddled with my fingers. "I couldn't sleep." I replied, ashamed that I had gotten caught. "I'm sorry, Pa. I don't want to get in trouble." I begged. I hate when I'm in trouble with my parents.

"You're not in trouble, sweetheart." Mom walked over and bent down so that she was face level with me. She grabbed my hands in hers and kissed my palm. "Your father and I have something to tell you." She said. She looked nervous.

"Maria, don't_" Dad cried.

"She deserves to know!" She gritted at him. "It was your choices that got us into this mess."

Dad quieted down at that statement. I felt bad seeing him so sad. I hate seeing people sad, it makes me sad.

"Dad, don't be sad." I comforted, wanting to make him smile. But he didn't. I don't know what's going on but it must be something serious.

"I messed up, sweetie." He wiped the tears falling down his cheeks. Now, I'm really confused. He bent down as well so he was face level with me too. "I got into it with some people. I made really bad choices."

I giggled. "Say 'sorry'." I told him. "If you make a mistake, you just say sorry and it'll fix it."

"Not in this situation, love." Mom said. Okay, it must be serious then. "In 8 years, when you're 18, you'll be legal. Considered an adult."

"I can drive my own car?!" I asked, getting excited.

Mom chuckled. "Yes, baby. But listen. When you're 18, you can also get married. Two weeks after your 18th birthday, you are getting married to a boy named Antonio. He's the son of one of your Dad's friends. He's only 3 years older than you, so he's 13. This is something that's going to happen. There's no choices."

I felt confused. I felt stuck in my thoughts, not knowing what to become of it. I have to get married when I'm 18, to a boy who I don't know.

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