Tag You're It

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Heeseung walked into the room where me and the others were. There were seven of us all together. Heeseung, Jake, Sunghoon, Niki, Sunoo, my closest friend Jungwon, and me obviously.

"Guys look at what I just found!" Heeseung said as he sat down next to Sunghoon. He held his phone out to show us the picture on his phone.

It was a dark forest... Turns out it was only like 5 miles away too.

"We should go there!" Everyone looks at Heeseung shocked by his proposal.

This time Sunoo speaks up "Hee I don't think that's a good idea I mean look at that place what if we get lost? It's also late. It's almost 11." The others all nod agreeing with him.

I'm sitting next to Jungwon, and I start biting my fingernails. I hate scary things so stuff like this makes me nervous. Jungwon looks over at me and pulls my hand down shaking his head. Signaling me to stop. I put my hands under my thighs. I have a bad habit of biting my nails. I do it whenever I'm nervous and I think Jungwon has caught on to that. I'm interrupted from my thoughts by a very stubborn Heeseung.

"Oh come on guys... It'll be fun!"

Sunghoon puts his hand on Heeseung's leg signaling him to let it go but he doesn't. God he's stubborn. Sunghoon also starts to get annoyed so he stands up and walks to the kitchen. I follow him, needing a break.

He turns around when he feels my presence. "Oh hey Jay. Why are you here too?"

I lean back on the counter. "Oh I'm just getting away from everything out there. Heeseung is just too stubborn sometimes. You know what I mean?"

He lets out a light chuckle "Trust me I know."

I sigh before speaking slightly quieter than normal. "Maybe we should just go. He's not going to change his mind anything soon and we both know that."

"I guess... well let's go then?" he tilts his head to the side slightly and I nod before we walk back to the living room with the others in the room still trying to talk Heeseung out of it.

Sunghoon goes and sits back down but I stay standing near the doorway.

"Fine Heeseung. We'll go." Everyone looks at me shocked. They know I hate scary stuff, probably questioning my choices. Heeseung just smirks as he stands up and he smirks mischievously. "Alright then it's settled, go get some snacks and meet in the van in 5."

Everyone nods hesitantly but goes and gets their stuff. I can't believe what I had just done. I'm currently leaning forward putting my shoes on when someone walks around me sliding their hand over my waist as he walked by. I looked up to see who it was and I saw Jungwon smirking at me as he walked out the door. He's done that a lot because I would sometimes jump from shock. I finished putting my shoes on and go and got in the van. I was the last one apparently and as soon as I got situated Heeseung started to drive and I felt my stomach drop.

Around 5 minutes later we arrived at the place. It's scary and is giving me the shivers. I hate it. I want to go home. What the heck were you thinking, Heeseung. Everyone starts to get out of the van and I just follow, not wanting to look like a wimp. We all have our stuff and start to walk deeper in the woods. It's dark. For some reason everyone is silent. Makes it even worse when suddenly Heeseung stops and turns around to look at us.

"Close your eyes guys!"

Everyone sighed and closed their eyes and around 5 minutes later he told us to open our eyes so I did. When I looked forward there were lines and candles on the ground.

"Heeseung what is that?" Jake says as he looks at the thing, to all of us, and back to Heeseung.

"I did a ritual! It'll make tonight even more fun!" He smiled widely while the rest of us were low-key really scared. He just did that without us knowing and now what if there's this weird ghost dude following us. Oh god I'm really screwed this time. I just want the ground to swallow me whole.

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