Chapter 23: Cages

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Kali stretches her arms over her head as she walks through the castle, looking around aimlessly for Tate as she goes. He had ended up with the Angel's breathe the night before, and she needed to retrieve it for the late priestess.

"It's so early in the morning, what if he isn't up yet?" She pouts, feeling the rising sun hit her skin timidly, easing the chill of the wind only briefly. To the barracks I go, I guess.

She leans to the side, hearing the satisfying crack of her back as she turns the corner, nearly running flat into Altear.

"Ah, sorry-" she says, tiredly, looking up at the captain staring down at her with a look of unease.

"Kali, I was just about to come find you. You have a meeting today in the far west side of the castle. The building is surrounded by flowers. Go inside and ask for Cana, she will get you sorted."

Kali's eyes opened wide, recognizing the name. "Cana? The King's mistress?"

"Yes, she will teach you of your duties as the King's new mistress. You'll be moving into that building with her, she will set you up with some ladies in waiting and maids-"

"Um, no, excuse me, I didn't agree to this. The King told me about this, but I didn't agree to it. And why do I need to move out of Fae's place? I like living with her." Kali frowns, causing Altear to stroke his temples.

"We are not arguing about this right now, just do as I say, ok? I have things to do, I don't want to be debating with you," he sighs as she crosses her arms. "And I don't want to have to force you to just go there. Just, do it, ok?" He gives her a half pleading look and she sighs, looking off towards the sunrise in the distance.

"I don't like this, Altear."

"Then kill the king and this can be finished." His eyes harden and she huffs out another breath. "And stop playing around with other things. Have you even tried to practice your powers? Huh?"

"I-" she pauses, groaning, "It's not easy! It's not like I can just figure it out."

"You're not going to figure anything out if you're not even trying!" He raises his voice, turning away from her. "Go to the western building, and for fucks sake, practice!"

"Yeah, yeah," she bites her lip, her arms crossed tightly as she watches him walk away, his dreads swinging back and forth as he goes.


Dakki paces back and forth, trying to drown out the insults from Lukas as the bad sits, chained, in a cage.

"I'm going to get out of here and rip your throat out!" James screams, dried blood crusted on his head from the smack to the head from Altear.

Dakki cracks his neck, rolling his shoulders as he sighs, "where the hell is Altear?"

"He's dead, and you're going to be next." Lukas spits at the red-head and Dakki gives him an annoyed look.

Altear had ordered him to meet down here at eight in the morning, now it's nearing nine and Dakki's stomach is growling. He had half wanted to make a stop in the cafeteria to grab himself, and the annoying prick in the cage, some bread. But he was too worried over being late, then scolded. But now he's wishing he had risked it.

"The more you talk the less sympathy I have for you," Dakki admits, continuing to pace back and forth. He had felt guilty for trapping the guy, as shitty of a human Lukas is. It still didn't sit right with him.

Death is one thing, but torturing someone and locking them up is too fucked even for Dakki.

"How about we settle this fist to fist? Or are you too scared I'll kill you?" Lukas presses his face against the metal bars and Dakki sighs, turning to crouch a couple of feet from the human.

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