Kennith x Reader - You're (not) a fucking idiot

Start from the beginning

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When we finally arrived at school Kennith stood up immediately so he didn't have to sit next to me any longer, which made me grin slightly. "You're not rid of me yet Simmons, the school day has only just started!", I called after him, to which he only replied "Yeah, unfortunately.", before getting off the bus. I decided to leave him alone for now, I still had plenty opportunities to annoy him today after all, when suddenly the whispering of some of our classmates reached my ears.

"Isn't it embarrassing how hard (Y/N) is trying to get some attention from Simmons?" "Yeah totally, why don't they just tell him they're into him? Everyone's noticed by now anyway, it's just so annoying that they still act like they don't even like him!" "Maybe they're ashamed, I mean, I wouldn't admit it myself if I was in love with someone like him..." Although their stupid remarks made my blood boil, just as always, I decided to ignore them and simply walked past them with my head held high to finally get off the school bus. Let them talk, what did I care, right?

Although the lessons were as dull as ever, I wasn't bored at all, at least I had someone to annoy. So I scribbled a little note on a piece of paper, rolled it into a tiny ball and threw it in Kennith's direction. The paper ball hit him on the shoulder and then landed on his table. Critical damage -50 points.

I propped my face up on my hands and watched with a smile as Kennith unfolded the paper ball and read my message before turning to me and glaring at me in annoyance, whereupon I just waved at him with an innocent smile. Somehow understandable that my message 'Hey dumbass, looking good today... NOT!' didn't really excite him, but that was my goal after all.

After a short silent staring contest, Kennith turned around again and concentrated on taking notes, and I did the same, at least until a paper ball hit me out of nowhere, and it was much bigger than the one I threw. "Are you crazy?!", I shouted out loud in shock and jumped up from my chair, and Kennith immediately did the same as he shouted back angrily: "Hello?! You're the one who started this!" "But I didn't throw a fucking big paper ball directly in your face!!"

But just before we could go for each other's throats, the teacher stopped us: "Well, I don't know which of you threw the bigger paper ball, but when you're in detention together this afternoon you can discuss it in peace and quiet, how does that sound?" Both Kennith and I blushed and sat down again, embarrassed, as the gleeful laughter of our classmates washed over us. Of course it was a bit annoying that I had to spend the afternoon in detention, but I was also kinda happy about it, at least I got to spend more time with him! At least that's what I thought, until...

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Lunch break, finally! As so often, I sat alone at a table in the cafeteria, but as I wasn't interested in the other students anyway, that was fine with me. Instead, the only person that I focused on was once again the boy with the light pink hair and colorful clothes, who was also sitting at a table all by himself. A small grin appeared on my face and I was about to get up to sit with him, but someone suddenly beat me to it.

I watched intently as a girl with long, light blonde hair got up from her seat and said goodbye to her friends before heading straight for Kennith and sitting down next to him without further ado. He looked a little surprised at first, but when the girl smiled sunnily and said something to him, he also smiled and answered her, moving his hands as if he was communicating with her in sign language, whereupon they both laughed.

My gaze automatically darkened when I saw this. I knew this girl, she went to our parallel class and was quite popular, both with her classmates and with the teachers. I had heard by chance that she had become deaf in a car accident, which explained why Kennith communicated with her in sign language. I think her name is Stephanie.

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