"Look it's all women down there. If we have to save him and I'm not convinced, we do i just think it would be easier for y/n heather ruffnut and i to take the lead. You know put em at ease" Astrid says pointing at each one of us girls "what if we all went on windshear? There's something familiar about those wings." Heather states while trying to figure out what familiar about the wings "all right then it's settled we'll be there if you need us, you might not wanna mention anything about snotlout until you know why they have him locked up in that cave" hiccup says we all nod and get onto windshear and take off I'm holding to Astrids waist and soon one of the flying women appears under windshear "what a beautiful razorwhip" the woman says and goes to fly next to us "and so well behaved" the woman adds "I've had her since she was a hatchling she must have gotten separated from her mother" heather responds petting windshear 

"i am Atali we are not here to harm you" the woman now known as Atali says as more flying women appear "but to ask how it is you find yourselves within our island's boarders "there was a terrible storm we were on our way back to our own island and we must have gotten blowen off course" Astrid says quickly coming up with an alibi Atali looks at Astrid and heather then at me and ruff "I'm afraid we don't usually allow men on our island so your two friends will have to-" ruff cut her off by saying "hey I'm more woman then you'll ever be sister" Atali looks at her and then at me "okay but your other friend will have to-" i cut her off this time "I'm a women Aswell" say looking at her and seeing on her face she doesn't believe me "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to take your mask off so i can be sure you're not lying" 

"Miss Atali i don't think-" i cut off Astrid by putting my hand on her mouth she looks at me and i silently tell her it's okay i grab my mask and pull it off "i am a woman miss Atali" "my apologies and please call me Atali follow us. We will provide you with shelter this evening and a hot meal "now were talking what's on the menu" ruff says as i put my head on Astrids shoulder "were having stew sacred stew" Atali says and fly's a certain direction we all look at each other and follow her and i hear ruff mumble "mmm sacred." 

Astrid Pov 

Now were in the village and were following Atali as she shows us around, but I can't stop thinking about y/ns face she was mesmerizing I wish she kept her mask off finally I zone back in and hear Atali say "as I said we do not allow males to integrate into our tribe on a permanent basis" "why is that?" I ask curious as to why they don't allow men "we have important work here a higher purpose if you will. Males would neither understand nor would they be helpful." "Amen to that sister" ruff says making me look at her in annoyance. 

"Ruff, you don't really feel that way about the guys" heather says and I realize y/n has been awful quiet I look at her and find her already looking at me she looks away quickly and I see her ears go red i wonder why she was looking at me "don't I I can't remember us ever having this discussion heather." Ruff says turning away from heather "if you'll excuse me for a moment, I have some business to attend to but feel free to take in the beauty our island has to offer" Atali says gesturing to all the vegetation around and leave to attend to whatever business she has. 

"Well, that's the end of snotlout" i say turning to the others "hey at least he'll die surrounded by beautiful women and the smell of sacred stew" "if he's still alive we need to get him before he says anything to make them any angrier" heather says and we all stare at her with a questioning look "yeah that ships sailed huh?" "Hey, can you guys keep their chief busy" i ask "we can try" heather responds "I'll find snotlout he's a muttonhead but he's our muttonhead" "I'll come with you" y/n says coming to stand next to me "come on heather i thought i saw a boar pit when we were flying in. Hey maybe they're up for a game of doubles." I sigh and say, "let's go find snotlout."

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