Continuation of What It Means To Annotate: Examples Below P5

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In my dream, I touched Mama's round, brown face. (9 words within the last sentence) Like she used to do, she wet the tip of her apron and dabbed away the sweat over my upper lip and on my forehead. (25 words within sentence) I saw myself readin' to her. (6 words within the last sentence) She smiled and clapped her hands. (6 words within the last sentence) I heard her soft voice praise me the way Mas' Henley do William when he gets the least li'l thing right. (21 words within the last sentence)
"I knows so much more, Mama. Let me show you." (10 words made up the previous two sentences)The soft in her face changed and her eyes held a warnin' I couldn't understand. (15 words within sentence)"What's wrong, Mama?" (3 words within sentence.) She wanted to say somethin', but she was pulled away into the dark by some powerful big hand. (18 words within the previous sentence)"Mom, wait." (2 words within sentence) She was gone, and I woke up to the cold hurtin' truth. (12 words within the last sentence) Mama is dead. (3 words within the last previous sentence. That is a pretty tense nightmare Clotee just had and the weather didn't help settle her mood either)

12th Diary entry annotated
Next day
I slipped off to visit with Missy and Wook today. (9 words within last sentence)I found them 'mongst the tobacco plants, 'longside Rufus. (9 words within the last sentence) I was so glad to see them. (7 words within sentence) We used to have a great time together, playin' games. (10 words within sentence) Then Mas' put Missy and Wook to work in the field, and I got put to work in the Big House. (21 words within sentence) Wok's face looks tired and drawn. (6 words within sentence) All Missy wanted to talk 'bout was how cute she thought Hince was. (13 words within the last sentence) Cute? Hince? (2 sentences of 1 word in the very last previous sentences) Missy got eyes for Hince? (5 words within last sentence) She did say somethin' that made good since. (8 words within the last sentence) She say that Rufus had asked Mas' Henley if he could hold a service at Eastertime. (16 words within the last sentence)(Quite a bold move Rufus but someone has to make the first step become super duper active, Skylights.) I'm surprised. (2 words within the last sentence) Mas' aine in the habit of doin' things nice for nobody less'n it serves him. (15 words within sentence. True that was the mind set of majority of non True Northern Eastern U. S White men citizen folk unfortunately back then, precious Skylights, sadly true.)

13th Diary entry annotated down below, precious Skylights.
Easter Sunday
After breakfast, we all gathered in the Quarters for the Easter meetin'. (12 words within the sentence)
Most times all of us be so tired, we just fall out on Sunday. (14 words within the sentence) Try to rest. (3 words sentence) Be ready for sunrise bell come Monday. (7 words within the last previous sentence) But Rufus lifted everybody's spirits today. (6 words within  the last sentence)

Mas' Henley came to the service to see what we was doin' — come talking' 'bout how he didn't want no shoutin' and carryin' on'brought fredum. (26 words within the sentence) He told us to pray for good weather and a big harvest. (12 words within the last former previous sentence) Sing 'bout joy and happiness. (5 words within the last sentence)No sad songs. (3 words last sentence)I wonder does he really believe we'll pray for his good fortune and not our own? (16 words within the last earlier former previous statement. Awkward Mas' Henley is indeed, sweet preciously-beautiful and darling Skylights!) He say if we do like he say, then he'll let us have more meetin's on Sunday. (17 words within the previous sentence)

Anyhow, Mas' Henley sat down, and Rufus took over. (9 words within sentence) (Even more awkward having your slave master present by your side for majority of Easter Sundays.) Wook tol' me once that Rufus had once been the slave of a preaching man before bein' sold to Mas' Henley. (21 words within sentence) Uncle Heb say Rufus had learned the Bible from cover to cover — know all the stories by heart. (18 words to describe an impressive achievement Rufus has and with the knowledge God gave him he brought hope, comfort and healing to his slave mates that no Master except God could ever see and recognize to everyone white it's hidden in plain sight right under their own white noses.) One day, I want to read the Bible for myself. (10 words within the previous sentence)There's a Bible that stays on Mas' Henley's readin' table. (10 words within sentence. While it is a good thing to always have a copy of the real Bible just owning one doesn't mean you ever thought about believing in the words. In fact many people today still don't believe in the Bible's true words, you need to actively read it and commune with God in prayer to be able to understand the book. And I'm glad one of Clotee's goals is to eventually read the Bible in this Rufus as a believer is being an excellent fellow black role model for a very young girl. Honestly there aren't enough men in any race who want to be good role models for young girls. For instance Prince James in Sofia the First is a great boy example role for young boys his age to see that is not embarrassing to his sister learning girl duties like his pouring tea for friends. Or Peter Moseley in the non Disney Little Mermaid live his little sister in that movie is fixated on finding a real mermaid that she always believed were real when he realized she was right the entire movie through he doesn't mistreat either character instead he specifically takes his sister with him on the adventure to save the mermaid from the Magician villain in the story and get her back safely into the ocean we all need to do more stuff like that.) I've looked at it many times, but never touched it. (10 words within sentence) I think he'd know if I did. (7 words within the last sentence)

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