Start from the beginning

"30-27, and today I will make my wins as 28." Phoebe told confidently.

As they settled into their seats opposite each other, the air crackled with anticipation. Phoebe made the first move, her fingers hovering over the chess pieces as she plotted her strategy.

"So, Harry," Phoebe began, her voice casual as she surveyed the board. "How's your training with Mum going?"

"Good," Harry replied succinctly, his attention focused on the game before them. "Learning a lot."

Phoebe nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "She's tough, isn't she? But she's one of the best duelists I know."

Harry chuckled in agreement, moving his knight into position with a calculated flick of his wand. "Definitely. I've learned a lot from her."

As the game progressed, Phoebe continued to pepper Harry with questions, her curiosity seemingly boundless. She asked about his time at his home, his grandmother, his training, and his plans for the future, each query met with a brief but polite response from Harry.

"How do you like living at the Potter estate with your grandmother?" Phoebe asked, her eyes alight with curiosity.

"It's nice, I am not lonely anymore," Harry replied, his gaze focused on the chessboard as he contemplated his next move. "Feels like home."

Phoebe nodded in understanding, her attention returning to the game at hand. "I can imagine. It's a beautiful place."

As the game reached its climax, the tension in the room grew palpable, each move carrying the weight of their respective strategies. Harry and Phoebe were well-matched, their skills evenly balanced as they danced around the board, each one vying for control of the battlefield.

In the end, it was Harry who emerged victorious, his final move checkmating Phoebe's king with a flourish. As they packed up the board and made their way out of the room, Phoebe couldn't help but smile at Harry's triumph.

"Good game, Harry," she said, her voice filled with admiration. "You certainly know how to keep me on my toes."

Harry grinned in response, feeling a sense of camaraderie and respect blossoming between them. Despite their competitive natures, they both knew that their friendship was stronger than any game of chess.

And as they parted ways for the evening, Harry couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond he shared with Phoebe. In her, he had found a kindred spirit, someone who shared his passion for competition and his thirst for adventure.


The next day dawned bright and clear, heralding another day of adventure and learning for Harry Potter and his friends, Valerie and Draco Malfoy. As they gathered in the elegant sitting room of the Malfoy Manor, they were greeted by the sight of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, their esteemed parents, who had planned a day of education and entertainment for the young trio.

"Good morning, children," Lucius greeted them with a warm smile, his demeanor elegant and composed as always. "Today, we have a special treat in store for you. We'll be learning about wizarding politics and etiquette, two crucial skills for any young wizard or witch to master."

Narcissa chimed in, her voice gentle yet authoritative. "Indeed. Understanding the intricacies of politics and mastering the art of etiquette will serve you well in both your personal and professional lives."

Harry nodded in agreement, his eyes bright with curiosity as he listened to Lucius and Narcissa's words. Despite his quiet demeanor, he was eager to learn and absorb as much knowledge as he could.

Harry Potter And The Phoenix KingWhere stories live. Discover now