001 - 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥

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The fact that Eliana was the only girl in the glade always confused her, we all were strangers. But we were also family, everyone got along and there was nearly never boring in the glade. She still remember when she came up in the box, 2 years and 6 months ago. It shocked her.

The box was scary, really scary when you didn't remember anything. They opened the box and looked down with shock, everyone stared at her like she was a monkey at a zoo, and all were boys. That day was the worst of them all, at first she didn't trust any of them. But they were kind and they respected her, and she was happy for that.

It wasn't hard making friends with the boys, it was harder to accept the fact that she was now surrounded by a group of hormonal boys. Who talk before they say or do anything and really live like they have 7 lives. Eventually we learnt to live together and the glade became a place of platonic love, or whatever that is called.

The first 3 months Eliana was a medjack, she was awful at all the other jobs and when she tried being a slicer she puked 3 times before she even looked at the animals. She was also really bad at being a builder and a track-hoe, and she liked helping people so in the end she became a medjack. Now 2 years and 3 months later she's a runner!

It turned out she could run pretty decent and at the time they needed more runners, so the keepers made her a runner. At first she was terrified but after a while it became more natural and fun. Running in the maze always took her thoughts away and forgot all the problems and what situation she was in.

Her running partner was Ben, who also is her best friend. They never had a boring minute together and was always causing trouble in all kind of ways. Actually she was supposed to start running by herself after six months, but both her and Ben wanted to be running partners anyway.

Eliana got along with everyone, oh except one. Minho, the keepers of the runners. Never got along and always teased or said mean things to eachother. There is something that she can't stand about him, and he surely can't stand her too.

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She woke up in her small, yet comfortable bed in her small hut. Eliana's hut was a bit from the others, with a special lock so no one could do something to her. She didn't think anyone would do anything but it was for safety, she didn't complain. As usual she got ready, fixed her hair, brushed her teeth and got dressed.

Fashion wasn't a big thing in the glade, she was one of the few that changed clothes nearly everyday and washed her clothes as much as possible. So the glade didn't smell so lovely, but after a while she got used to it.

Her hair was up in a high ponytail, the hair was always in her face while running, pissed her off. The sweat from running a lot made her hair stick to her face, so needed to touch her face and hair all the time. It took a lot of extra time as it made her slow down.

After she got ready and fixed her running pack, she got out to the glade and headed to the kitchen area. Not many people were up at this time, doors opened at six, so she woke up at five. The runners, Alby, Newt and Frypan were up at this time so it was always calm in the glade when she woke up. Thanked Frypan for the breakfast and the lunch bag and sat down with the other runners, beside Ben.

"Morning" I greeted the guys while i sat down, tried to look like i wasn't dying of tiredness.

"Good Morning Ell" Ben said and made eye contact with her, then started eating again.

The other guys also greeted her and made small talk, as everyone was really tired. The runners was not often tired in the morning, but some of us had a mini bonfire last night and stayed up a little longer. Minho told everyone what section they were checking out, me and Ben got section three.

Everyone ate their breakfast pretty fast, as we always do. Eliana and Ben went to their favorite place to stretch before the doors opened, like they did everyday. They made some small talk but nothing more. The doors opened earlier today, or they were a little late. So the stretching didn't get much time, when they saw the others running in they jogged to the entry.

"Ready? See if you can catch up this time." Ben teased her, both knew that he was faster than her. When they were little Eliana always teased him for being slower than her, but now he was faster than her.

"You know I'm faster then you, i just have bad running days." Eliana replied right before she sprinted of into the maze.

Their steps echoed through the tall walls of the maze, along with breaths coming from the two. Cracks were carved into the floor so if you didn't watch out, you could easily trip over them. Her second running day she tripped on one of those, and she ran with Minho in the start, so it didn't make anything better.

They both knew the way to section three, and Ben catched up with her after just a couple of seconds. In the beginning of every run they had a mini race, but slowed down after a while. Eliana cut of some ivy of the walls and dropped, so if they lost their way they would have a chance of getting back.

"Lunch break?" Ben asked after the duo hade checked out section three and been running for a while.

"Yeah! I'm starving" Eliana replied and stopped running, took out her lunchbox Frypan made for her. They both sat down by a wall and started eating.

"Have you noticed anything different?" He asked her, with food in his mouth and a little tilt on his head.

"Yeah, you are finally growing facial hair" Eliana replied before finishing her food and put the lunchbox away in her running bag. She has been teasing him about it ever since all the others started growing facial hair above their lips, but he didn't.

"Rude, but seriously. We live in the glade that's trapped in a massive maze, you've gotta seen anything different." Ben then replied with his middle finger up, slightly annoyed but he knows she's just joking.

"I mean not really, but isn't it greenie day today?" Nothing different popped up in her head, just that it was greenie day.

"Yeah, it is. Are you still waiting for that girl that never comes?" Eliana has wished for a other girl since the day she arrived, and on the greenie day it was the only thing she talked about. But now after a while she got over the fact it never came one, and probably wouldn't either.

"Uhh yeeah, but it's nothing big anymore and I don't think there will come one." Slightly disappointed but she couldn't do anything about it, so she let it be.

"I can be your girlie" Ben said sarcastic, also putting away his lunchbox.

"Sounds amazing" She looked down at her watch. "4 hours, lets go!" Eliana said before sprinting away so she would feel faster then him, until he catch up.

The run back to the glade always feel shorter then it actually is, like it feels like one hour but from section three it takes 3 hours. And Eliana never run out of breath or need to take a walk pause on the way back, neither does Ben. They never talk much on the way back, since they just want to come back and change in to clothes that isn't sweaty.

The maze looked old, like really old. Ivy was hung from high up the walls and there was grass coming up from the cracks. It looked like it had been standing for decades, but the first boy was Alby who came a little more then three years ago.

Eliana looked down at her watch again, 40 minutes left and they only needed to make a few turns before seeing the grass of the glade. After a few turns they were back at the glade and headed to the map room, as usual the greenie had already arrived.

The other runners were already in the map room when they arrived, it stinked of sweat as soon she walked in, didn't bother her but it for sure was disgusting. Ben gave her supplies to map their run, it was nothing different so the mapping didn't take time. The dinner bell ringed as soon she was done with her map, perfect timing.


A/N: First chapter!! I hope you enjoyed :) Hopefully you like Eliana as much as i do!

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍 - TMR, MinhoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon