Chapter 22: How to be a Fake Boyfriend

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I'm on the bus and reflecting on the events that just unfolded, I still couldn't completely grasp the situation I'm suddenly in, "Fake boyfriend of the most popular girl in the school. It's like a plot of  a horrible teen flick movie." I leaned my head on the window, I'm getting the feeling that the next three months will be difficult.

I was on my way home, still thinking about everything that Astrid told me. "I just moved here for basketball but... I got more than what I wished for." I laughed at the thought, I was at the door when I felt my phone in my pocket vibrating.

"Maybe it's the call from Astrid." and I was right, "Hello?" as I opened the door, "I'm home." I announced while slightly pulling away the phone from my ears, I went to my room after greeting dad who was in the backyard taking care of his garden.

"Hey Hiccup. Am I calling at a busy time?" Astrid asked, "No. It's okay. I just got home so I'm currently changing. Give me five minutes, talk to Toothless" I replied putting the phone down beside Toothless who was resting on my bed, I saw him meowing in reply like he was actually talking to Astrid.

After changing, I sat on the bed and continued the call with Astrid. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, "Are you really fine with what we're gonna be doing?", "I agreed already so there's no turning back now.", "Thank you, Hiccup. I just can't really stand the guy anymore.", "I understand. I do too but before we continue, I need to tell you something .", "What is it?", "I... I... never had a girlfriend before." I heard a gasped from the other line, "Really?!" she exclaimed sounding really surprise.

"No way. That can't be true." Astrid said, "I'm not really someone who could just  approach anybody and start a conversation." I replied, "Also it never came into mind. Basketball was enough for me. So... I really don't have a slightest idea of what a boyfriend should be doing." I told her, "We'll manage. Just follow my lead." she instructed.

"So what's our story? How will we be doing this?", "Like what you said earlier, we're still in the getting-to-know-each-other phase and we take it from there.", "Okay-okay.", "But be ready since many people are keeping their eyes on me, sooner or later you'll get announced as my boyfriend and when that happens you'll get too much attention and swarmed by people and cameras.", "Oh.. right.", "Last chance. You can still back out, I'll just find other ways in resolving my problem.", "I already told you that I'll help you. I never go back on my word.", "I really appreciate this, Hiccup. Thanks again." she said, "No need to thank me yet. I haven't done anything to help you. You might be the one who changes her mind when you see my awkwardness in full display." I replied, "No, with you agreeing is a great help already. It's your awkwardness that makes you attractive." I can hear the sincerity from her voice.

"Hey, how about we came up with pet names to each other." Astrid suggested, "Pet names?" I asked, "You know, terms of endearment you call someone you're in relationship with." she explained, "Oh? That's what you call them? Like honey or love?" I asked her, "Yeah. Like those. So what do you have in mind?", "Hmmm... I really have no idea when it comes to this things." I reminded her, "What do your parents call each other?" she asked me, "They call each other mostly 'honey' or 'darling'.", "How about 'Babe'? What do you think?", "I really don't have any idea so I'll go with what you think is okay.", "Alright. Let's settle with 'Babe.'", "Okay.", "See you tomorrow, Babe." she told me which caught me completely off guard.

I felt my heart almost bursting out of my chest. "I didn't know that we'll start with the pet names already. I thought that we will only do that in public." I managed to reply, "It's better if we get to used to it so that it will sound much natural if we say it in public." she told me, "Come on. You try.", my lips suddenly went dry so I needed to wet it a bit before saying something.

"See you, B-babe." it came out sounding very awkward, "Bye Babe." she continued, "Bye... Babe." I replied before Astrid ended the call.

Because of the embarrassment brought by the conversation, I threw my phone to the far side of the bed.

Heart of a Dragon (A Hiccup x Astrid HTTYD AU Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now