Chapter 79 The Things We Do for Love

Start from the beginning

All this time, Julian was eerily quiet, especially after Lewis told him what happened. He thought Julian was in shock at first, but then when he saw Lucius in Asmodian's cosmically horrific form, hovering above the Celestine Palace, releasing all the diabolic power into their world, tears trickled down his face, yet he was still exceptionally calm and quiet about it.

For the first time in a long time, Lewis couldn't read what Julian was thinking.

Presently, they were forced to leave the supermarket and find a way out of Tranta. They made several blocks but then were discovered by a group of demons feasting on some human corpse. They were chased into the square before the art museum.

Lewis wielded the Saint Cyrus Sabre and slaughtered the demons that rushed toward them like a putrid tide. But they just kept coming from all directions. His arms were sore from the constant slashing, and he panted heavily, barely maintaining his strength, but he kept Julian safe behind him.

Suddenly, several blue lights flashed, and six more cloaked figures emerged from the air. They wielded some silver-like weapons and quickly vanquished the demon horde.

However, it was just another trap.

A vampire that looked somewhat resembling King Dorian stepped forward, the long silver sword pointed at Lewis, "Hand over the priest, and you can live."

"Who the fuck are you!"Lewis kept his stance, extending his arms to shield Julian from those predatory gazes.

"We are The Order, and we need the priest to save the world." The vampire, Silvan, said in a feigned frivolous voice with a menacing undertone, "Be a good boy and come with us without a fuss, Julian. You want to make this right, don't you?"

Julian stared at the man with wide eyes. He had never met Dorian's brother in person, but the similarity didn't escape him, "what do you want from me?"

"We want you to do what you have been doing all your life: let your God work through you and destroy that thing." Silvan pointed at the figure above Celestine Palace, "We have some magic that can fortify your connection to your God so he can possess you like he did last time in Starfall."

Vampires were looking for help from the Luminion God. It showed how desperate they were...Something would only happen at the end of the world.

"It almost killed him the last time, and he hasn't even recovered from it!" Lewis held his sword tighter as despair slowly crept up on him.

How could he fight six apostle vampires when he was already wounded and exhausted? But if he couldn't withstand their attack, who could protect Julian?

"Isn't to die for your believers and your God the highest honor and sacrifice?" Silvan smirked unsympathetically, "Now is your chance to be a true saint and martyr."

"Over my dead body!" Lewis snarled like a trapped beast.

Silvan chuckled derisively and remarked, "with pleasure," as he lunged at Lewis with unstoppable force.

However, just as his sword was about to clash with Lewis's sabre, a golden light flashed, and an unexpected rebound force hit Silvan harshly and pushed him a hundred feet back. He managed to land on his feet and dug his sword into the ground to stop backward inertia pulling him further.

A realm enveloped Julian and Lewis, and two agile figures landed before them. Dorian and Anton glowered at Silvan, their rage colder than the arctic front.

A golden glow emitted from Dorian's skin like the flame of wrath, and he marched toward his brother with deliberate strides as his elegant features grew sharper and darker, his form taller and more prominent. He hadn't taken his vampire beast form for a long time since he didn't need to with Azreal's power coursing through his veins.

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