Chapter 1: Pilot

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13 years ago...
A group of bullies is chasing Donnie. They tackle him to the ground and start beating him up.

Donnie has curly black hair and brown eyes. He's light-skinned. He's wearing a red hoodie, jeans, and Jordan's.

Later at the Callan House, Donnie walks inside with bruises. Kathy turns to see this.

"Donnie, what happened?"
Asked Kathy

"I fell." Said Donnie as he took off his backpack.

"Donnie, you know I'm not falling for that." Said Kathy

"Okay." Said Donnie as he walked over to his mother. She grabs a First Aid kit.

His mom tends to his bruises.

"Tell me what happened." Said Kathy

"Those kids were making fun of other kids because they weren't cool. It wasn't right. I tried to run from them, but I wasn't fast enough." Said Donnie

"You have a great heart, Donnie. And it's better than having fast legs." Said Kathy

"I'm home." Said Jared as he walked into the living room.

"Donnie got into a fight." Said Kathy

"Really?" Asked Jared

"He won." Said Kathy

"Way to go, Clubber." Said Jared

Later at night, the Callans are having dinner. Jared looks at his phone and answers.

"Yeah? Okay. I'll be right there." Said Jared as he hangs up.

Kathy walks up to him and asks,
"What is it?"

"Armed robbery." Said Jared

"I'll have Donnie tucked up in bed." Said Donnie

Jared dons his Sonic Man suit and zooms off.

At the Titan City Bank, 4 men are carrying bags full of cash. They proceed to leave.

Then Sonic Man comes whooshing in.
The men turn to face him.

"Haven't you learned that it's not right to take what doesn't to you?"
Asked Sonic Man

"It's Sonic Man. Shoot him." Said one of the 4 men.

They point their guns at Sonic Man. Sonic Man quickly takes their guns.

The police arrive. The 4 men get on the ground with their hands on their heads.

"They're all yours." Said Sonic Man

"Thanks, Sonic Man." Said the police officer

Sonic Man zooms off.

Sonic Man zooms back to the Callan House and removes his cowl. He walks up to Kathy.

"Is Donnie alseep?" Asked Jared

Jared and Kathy go up to Donnie's room. Donnie is asleep. They close the door.

Nov 7, 2017
A 16-year-old Donnie is seen running to the bus and says, "Hey! Wait!"

He pants and enters the bus as the bus driver says, "Get an alarm."

"Sorry." Said Donnie as he sits down.

A man is standing in front of the body. Wade Morris, Ryan Hayes, and Captain Samuel Dunn walk out of the bank.

"Third robbery this week." Said Wade

"The teller identified the shooter as Kurt Tyson." Said Ryan

"The Tyson Brothers are at it again. What did you find?" Said Captain Dunn

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