Part 8: Choosing roles

Start from the beginning

Well I was about to do that but Bell decided to take out her phone to click a pic of me.

I looked up at the clock. It was already time for the teacher to come in. Perfect excuse to distract her from seeing me blush.

Gotta distract Bell!

"Okay, Bell now be quiet the teachers about to come." I stated cautiously, still red as ever from her compliment.

"Lily, this isn't a mission you know, just relax..." She said leaning back on her seat as she patted my shoulder with her left hand very casually, as she looked my red face with a knowing smirk.

Afterall anyone who had worked with pheonix aka me, knew that I never blushed during missions.

I almost failed to stop her from teasing me when I realised there was only 1 min left to half past nine. Yes! This is my chance. I then executed my plan.

"Shhh..." I shushed her "The teacher's here."

"Where...??"she acted confused trying to look for her at the back of the class.
This silly girl. I slapped my forehead.

I rolled my eyes at her pretentance as I turned head towards the front and mouthed her the words, LOOK AT THE DOOR!.

Her head instantly turned towards the door. Her eyes still filled with mischievousness. She probably thought she could take a pic me blushing! Girl she was wrong, cause she couldn't. I smirked at her bad luck.

To her utter dismay, when she decided to fish out her phone from her skirt pocket, Mrs Rodriguez entered our class.

Her eyes widened in shock as she somehow managed to put the phone back in her pocket missing the pocket quiet literally FOUR times. She sighed with relief when she finally managed to put the phone in.

I smirked at her despair.

Bell shot me a death glare in return.

She gave me a 'Are you serious bruh' kinda look as she stood up along with everyone to greet Mrs Rodriguez.

I glared back at her with the, 'Yes I am serious..' look as I stood up too.

Our eye combat was interrupted by Mrs Rodriguez when she started making an important announcement.

We both managed to calm down as we listened to her intently. Afterall we were the top students of our class.

"Ok everyone, so I wanted you all to know that there is gonna be school play for Cinderella." She stated grabbing her attention as she tapped her desk loudly.

"Any of you guys interested to take part, then please raise your hands."

I and Bell were the first to raise our hands followed by the others.

Mrs Rodriguez counted the number of raised hands and wrote it down.

"Okay, so, 15 of you would like to take part." She made eye contact with us, to which Bell and I nodded.

We were just wondering if she is gonna hand pick the students for the role, when she brought out huge bowl filled with chits.

Alright, so she was gonna ask us to pick a chit, which would have our role decided.

Bell and I stared each other, in horror.

"Bruh, Lilac with my luck I am surely getting the evil step sister." She whispered to me. Her head was slightly bowed so that teacher doesn't notice her speaking. Afterall we were sitting in the very front.

I bowed my head down before speaking as she raised hers, so that she doesn't get caught talking.
"I know right, why did she even do that. She could have just chosen us, directly." I spoke out frustrated because of the teacher's antics.

Bell nodded.

I raised my head up. I checked to see if Mrs Rodriguez caught us talking.
Fortunately, she hadn't. I sighed with relief.

"Okayy, class so let's start choosing our roles. The rules are simple you come up to the bowl and pick out a card. Each of the card has a certain role which you would be assigned with. So, let's begin. Good luck." With that said the teacher stood beside the desk.

The first girl who rose up was, Diana Smith. She was a nice girl but no one had any idea about her family background.

She rose up from her desk with a confident smile. She finally went up to the bowl chose a card.

And her character was.........

The teacher picked in and announced her character, "Her character is..........The Step mom! Congratulations."

Everyone burst out laughing.

Annoying brats. I rolled my eyes. I stood up from my seat, ready to give them a piece of my mind. When the teacher told us the essence of acting which I was about to say.

"Children, no matter what the role you play MUST do your best in it. Cause a character is perceived in a certain way because of the actor and every role in a story is a significant part in the play. Even if it is of mere
seconds. You must not laugh at it. Though the person who got the role may feel a little bad about it."

I stood still, pondering upon her wise words indeed, every role in a play contributes to the play to make the play complete. I was the first one to clap and others followed.

The teacher shot a smile at me. I smiled back.

The problem was that I had been standing so I had to go and pick a card from the bowl. 'Fu-k', I thought.

I walked towards the bowl and picked a card. I closed my eyes, in anticipation.

'Oh, hell....naww' I pinched my nose bridge out of stress and frustration.

'God, not this role. Honestly god, when did my luck turn this bad.' Looking at the card I had picked I wanted to cry. Alas! Cause my tears betrayed me when they refused to fall.

I looked up at Mrs Rodriguez, she was all smiles. "Can I change my-" I was about to finish my sentence when she eyes me and said "Nope we are sticking to it."

She took my card ready announce my role, I was having a mental breakdown knowing very well that I was gonna suffer a hell lot with the role I had gotten.

Then, Mrs Rodriguez started,"And the role, Lilac received is......."

So, why do you think Lilac was upset with her role?

And what role did she get?

Please comment down your thoughts.

And let's aim for 5 votes 4 comments.
Thx. Ily all and bye~♥️🥰

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