Chapter 8

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(A/n) I don't know if ive said this, but this story is NOT going to be campaign accurate, I'm really just molding it to the flow of my story and writing what I think is best for my story. Thank you.

Your POV

Dear Samuel,

4 days. That's it. That's all I have to prepare myself for this mission. I've been thinking these past few hours about my life and how much I risk it. I know every soldier here is risking their lives on this mission, but my team and I are decoys. Our whole purpose is to risk our lives so the rest can get the mission done. It hasn't always worked, in your case, for example, but yet here we are, still continuing to do it. Everyone who doesn't know us think we're some suicidal maniacs, but what they don't know is that our will to survive is stronger than the rest. All of us were born to be decoys, distractions throughout our whole lives. Every one of us has been through something that has made us realize this is what we were made for. Alen is here cause his grandpa. Hiathan, oh our dear Hiathan, she's here cause she enjoys the rush of saving lives, and Hendrix is here because he wanted to follow in the footsteps of his beloved older siblings And me. I don't know why I am here. I don't know why I chose this. It may be because of my past, maybe I am secretly a maniac who wants to die and this is the most honorable way to do so, or maybe I just saw the chance to finally have a family I can love and trust. Whatever the reason, I know I made the right choice. This man we are hunting down took you away from us, Hiathan and Hendrix are in pain. Hendrix makes it known, but Hiathan is good at hiding it from the others. She misses you, we all do, and all of us are going to try our damned hardest to make sure this mission doesn't turn out like the other one. We have another team with us. They're as strong-willed as they are physically strong, I trust all of us will make it back in time. I'll keep you updated. I love you.


I put my phone away and walked out of my room, heading towards the living room. I see Soap and Gaz on the couch having a conversation. I quickly pull my phone back out and go to the notes app to type out a question.

'Hey, can one, or both, of yall come train with me?'

I walked over in front of them and held out my phone for them to read.

"Ah, sorry, Dis, Price has me doing other work soon." Gaz was the first to speak up, I nodded my head to show i understood, then looked over to Soap.

"Yeah, sure, let's go train Disco. Maybe you'll have me in Dis-belief with some of your moves. " he started laughing at his own joke, and I let out a puff of air as my own laughter and followed him to train.

We made it to the training room that was filled with equipment cept for the one space in the center for sparring grounds.

"What training did -" before he could ask his question, I pushed him to the center of the room to spar.

"Oh, you wanna go straight to fighting?? Ok, but don't start crying when I kick your ass." He got in a cocky mood, exactly what I wanted. I may be small but I'll kick some fucking ass. I moved my hand in a 'bring it on' gesture and the fight started.

He rushed at me at what seemed to be half speed, guess he's taking it easy on me, oh well, less work. I quickly dodged his attack and moved to the side and turned back to face him. He look at me and put his fists up.

"You're turn dis. Make a move." I took his words into consideration and a few seconds later, I was the one charging.

I moved towards him at half speed as well but I predicted his dodge and moved with him, successfully hitting him in the gut. He caught his bearings and we went back and forth for a while with all the rounds favoring me.

That is until now.

He charged at me once and I dodged, but he quickly recovered and ran back towards me, this time when I went to dodge he hit the spot I had left open, I doubled over a bit in pain cause this time it didn't seem like he held back.

I stood up straight as he celebrated his little win and as he was doing so I ran to him and jumped up and wrapped my legs around his neck, hooking my feet behind it, and used the momentum to swing us around and push him towards the ground. In a split second, he was on the ground pinned under me, our faces inches away from each other, breathing heavily.

"Woah dis, that was fucking awesome, but ow" his face had started turning red, whether from the amount of work we'd done or the position we're in I don't really care. As we were looking at each other I heard someone clear their throat. We looked over to see-

"Excuse me, if you're done trying to rizz up my teammate then I'm going to take them now." Hiathan was standing there with a weird look on her face as I got up and walked to where she stood.

"Anyways, Dis we've got new Intel figured you'd wanna hear it. We've got to meet Alen in the computer office." Hiathan made a gesture towards Soap letting him know that she's always watching, slenderman head ass.

We walked over to the office and Price and our other 2 decoys were already in there. Hendrix and Alen has solemn looks on their faces, same with Hiathan. Price seemed conflicted.

"Hi Dis, we've got new Intel. We wanted to share it with you before we did anyone else. It involves Hassan and his whereabouts." Alen spoke seriously, it sent shivers down my spine as I gestured for him to go on.

"So I've been doing some tracking. Going back and finding places he was last seen, it's all starting to point back here." The place Alen pointed to on the map made a dis-tasteful expression to cross our faces.

"What's got you guys stiff about this location." Price questioned us wondering if he missed something.

"It's the same exact place we encountered Hassan last time-

The place where Sammy was killed."

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