Chap 5

925 23 10

Dear Samuel,

I'm in love. I am in so much love it's hard to even express. I feel like I'm a teenager swooning over everything her crush does. Except this one doesn't have to do anything. Just sit there. It's perfect. Lovely. I can't stop staring. I can't stop drooling- it's just so-

"Hey you gonna eat that??" I slapped Hendrix's hand away before he could get ahold of my Philly cheesesteak sandwich and gave him the deadliest glare ever.

"Ooook I take that as a yes. Sorry-"  I immediately went back to finishing my journal entry.

"Whatcha writin over there disco?" I heard a familiar Scottish accent from across the table but continued writing.

My team gave Soap a look- Hendrix and alen a bit confused but protective and hiathan an approving look as she nodded her head a bit- then hiathan spoke for me.

"They're writing to Samuel, they do it all the time, probably writing about the sandwich as it is her favorite food." Soap nodded as hiathan spoke, no one noticing the sad tone she had, and gaz chuckled a bit.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone almost murder a teammate over a sandwich." The whole table chuckled a bit, including me, at Gaz's statement.

"You might wanna hurry and eat it though dis, it's gonna get cold." Price stated as he himself ate a ham and cheese sandwich. I nodded my head at what he said and put my phone down and started eating my sandwich. Mmm this shit is so fucking good- and just like that it was fucking gone. Everyone at the table, except my team, stared at me in shock. I just let out a cute little burp in response and stood up and walked out of the dining room, and to my shared bathroom to take a shower.


I heard knocking on the door a bit later and heard someone walk into the bathroom. Hoping it's one of my teammates I stuck my head out a bit, seeing hiathan, I smiled at her and watched as she sat on the counter. Since it was just us I decided to use my voice.

"Hey, are you ok, you look a bit down?" My voice seemed to snap her out of whatever trance she was in and she looked at me- I could see a bit of fear in her eyes, along with some tears.

"I d-didnt know that w-we were after Hassan Zyani." Her stuttering showed just how scared she was. It was understandable, I'm not going to get into it, but she's super scared of Hassan. The whole team had hatred towards him. I grabbed the towel on the hook next to the shower and wrapped it around my body before stepping out of the shower and making my way over to her. Giving her a slight sad smile.

"It wasn't your fault. Hassan is an evil man, he is to blame here, not you. You should look at this as an opportunity to take revenge. Keep your promise. Make sure the last face he ever sees is yours. Put a bullet through his head if you want, or kill him with your fists. Whatever you do don't show him how much he scares you. You use that fear as fuel to get to him. Your team is here backing you up every step of the way." She looked at me with widened eyes as I said this, and then let a beautiful smile grace her face.

"You know if we weren't close like siblings I'd probably kiss you right now." My face flushed a bit at her comment, and I stepped back a bit and gestured to the door.

"Look we can talk about it in a bit, after I change, you can wait on my bed." She walked out of the bathroom after giving me a wink and I rolled my eyes.

I quickly changed and walked out of the bathroom seeing her chilling on my bed with her phone. I sat down next to her and snapped my fingers to get her attention. We were closer to the hall so I wasn't going to speak anymore.

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