Chap 4

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We had made our way to the training grounds and Alejandro let us in. He decided he wanted to stay and see what us 'rookies' were made of. The first stop was an obstacle course. I. Fucking. Love. Obstacle. Courses.

Price had given us the run down of what we had to do. "Start here, you make your way through this course but if you fall or mess up anywhere you restart the course. I'm giving you 20 minutes to finish, but that is much more time than you need. Remember, we don't get time when we're being shot at on the field." He concluded his sentence and told us all to line up.

"God I hate these." Alen shook his head at what was before us. He had always had a very hard time with the courses. He was more of our tech guy. He was a wizard when it came to computers and shit. But that didn't mean he wasn't good at field work- my thoughts were cut short as a ding had gone off signifying us to start the course.

I immediately sped off and weaved my way through many obstacles, I was running full speed very confident in my ability to finish this in one go. That confidence was cut short though as when we were running hendrix....tripped....on nothing. Which he then tumbled into me causing me to fall into a mud pit that was right in front of me.

"Ah shit- ouch. Oh- oh no- dis I am so sorry- I didn't mean to- I'm gonna stop talking now. Let's just restart." He shut his mouth at the death stare I had given him. We got up and made our way back to the start. I didn't even give him time before I ran off again and continued to weave my way through, this time covered in mud.

As I made my way through I had noticed alen struggling with trying to get up the rope net we were supposed to climb. I had faltered in my steps a bit, conflicted on whether or not I should help- I didn't know if he would want my help, this is just training so it wasnt to big of a deal, right? Price seemed to have noticed my hesitancy and spoke up.

"You guys should treat this training as if it was the real deal. Everything you would do on the field. Do it here." His words gave me encouragement and I made my way to alen.

I quickly positioned my shoulders under his feet as I made myself comfortable on the rope ladder, and started to push him up. He looked down a bit confused but regained his focus after realizing I was helping him. We both made it up the rope ladder and he went to thank me but I was already heading forward.

I continued through the obstacle course at an amazing speed and was very close to the end but stopped. Something didn't feel right, I looked at the small open field in front of me. The only thing blocking me from the finish line. I started looking closely and noticed little dents in the ground. I knew something was there but I couldn't quite figure out what it was, my question was answered as soon as I took a step onto the field though. A fake explosion threw the ground around me up in the air. I flinched and then continued running to the end. Explosions were happening around me as I did my best to jump over or swerve the fake mines in the ground.

I was so close to the end, so close that I literally just jumped and hoped to land on the other side.

After a few seconds of what actually felt like minutes, I felt the side of my should come into contact with the ground and I rolled into it, and stood up after the roll on the other side of the line. I began to silently cheer for myself as I waited for the others to finish. I wasn't even tired right now. The adrenaline in my veins was pumping and I felt like I could run for miles on end.

Soon Hiathan was standing next to me, we both looked at her leg to see a rope burn from when she fell off the rope ladder. She said she was fine so we kept watching the boys do the course. Hendrix was the next to finish, and as expected Alen was last. He looked absolutely rugged. He did not want to be here and you could tell. Price and Alejandro soon came towards us, conversing amongst themselves before acknowledging us.

"Great job, you all finished under the 20 minute mark the longest time taking 9 minutes and 36 seconds. " We all looked to alen.

"Seriously?? Come on you guys know I'm more of a tech guy. Man fuck these courses" the twins laughed a bit and price continued to speak.

"Dis, you had the shortest time of 5 minutes and 24 seconds, you're a master at these." I nodded my head towards him and waited for him to tell us what we were doing next.

"OK team, we're going to the shooting range next. I want to see your gun skills" the twins cheered loudly while alen and I stayed quiet. Though you could tell alen was a teensy bit happy to be away from the course.

We finally made it into the shooting range and my whole team was immediately in love. The twins ran over to the selection of guns they had and starred feeling every one of them. Alen went and admired the tech they were using in here for the targets. Having moving targets, or targets popping up out of nowhere. I however stayed by the two other men and admired my team and how happy they all looked.

"Alright, rules are simple. 20 minutes again. 10 of those minutes will be used sniping. The other 10 you will be using handguns at a closer range. Your goal is to take out as many as you can." Price nodded to us and we all picked out the guns we wanted to use. The twins having a hard time as they wanted to carry every single one but eventually having to settle. We all put on the ear muffs and got into position for sniping.

The ding went off and immediately we were all met with our own targets to shoot. The twins quickly shot theirs down and more came up for them. They were going through targets like a chainsmoker went through cigarettes. Alen and I were having a hard time keeping up, but that's not saying we're a bad shot. No, quite the opposite. We were hitting targets on spot everytime as well, the twins were just faster.

The 10 minutes for sniping was up and now it was time to use our hand guns. We all moved closer to the targets and waited for the signal. When the signal went off Hiathans gun was the first to sound off. Her twin not to far behind. Of course alen and I were keeping a steady pace, and soon the time was up. We all set our guns down and took the muffs off and gave the captain our attention. He seemed genuinely surprised.

"Great job. That was fucking great," he turned to the twins "you two are the quickest snipers I have ever seen," He turned to alen and I "you guys did great as well, I am thoroughly impressed by all of you." Alejandro nodded beside price as he looked impressed as well. Hithan spoke up though.

"Are your men just as impressed as yall are?" The rest of us nodded at what she said and the two men in front of us looked confused as hell.

"What are you talking about Jack Jack?" Alejandro questioned hiathan, and she nodded her head over to an office that sat watching over the range where the rest of tf 141 and Rudy were sitting and watching.

"They've been here the whole time watching us. I'm just wondering if they're as impressed as yall, but it seems yall didn't even notice they were here?" I thought it was a bit weird that price and Alejandro didn't even notice their own men, but my team and I did. Maybe we're just that fucking good, hahaha yeah we are!! Ok stop hyping yourself up.

"Get out here." Price commanded his team to come out and talk with us. They all walked out of the office and towards us, Soap and gaz with a look of astonishment, Rudy looked proud, and ghost looked like a skull. Oh yeah.

"That was fucking amazing you guys were like 'bang' and 'wha' and-" Soap was cut off by Rudy.

"What I think he's trying to say is great fucking job." He gave us a proud smile and shook our hands.

"Yeah what he said." Gaz had agreed with Rudy and gave us a smile as well. And of course ghost stood there being quiet.

"Well that's it for today. You guys go get lunch and showers, we have a debriefing later tonight." Price gave us a nod and left with Alejandro as the rest of us decided to go get food.

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