First Date

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Captain America: He took you to a fancy restaurant near where you live, you spent the evening talking about cars and motorbikes with the occasional personality question, however it only lead onto more cars and motorbike facts. What you both didn't realize is that an over protective brother was standing behind the restaurant in a high-tech suit that allows him to spy on you on your date. Steve had told him that he had a date and he couldn't believe it, so he made a suit especially to spy on him. He almost fainted when he saw Steve enter the restaurant with you, he watched you until you got up to leave and packed away his suit, still in shock. Steve paid for everything and then you decided to go on a walk, you walked for around 5 minutes before stopping at a bridge, where you kissed Steve on the cheek. He walked you back to Stark towers and, since you both lived there, went in the elevator together up to the living room, where a very annoyed Tony was waiting for you.

Iron man: Tony being Tony, he had the entire floor of the most expensive restaurant in New York, had a limo drive you there and made pepper buy you a new dress. You didn't think he would put in all this effort for you, but you had the most amazing time with him. He met you at the restaurant and gave you a dozen red roses. As you were eating he asked questions about you, you were expecting him to only focus on himself, you told him about your childhood with pepper, your family and you told him about your position at your fathers company. After eating, he took you to the balcony and surprised with fireworks, he held your hand the entire time and was a complete gentlemen towards you. It was you who made the move to ask for a second date, which he agreed to. He dropped you off at your house and arranged the next date.

Hulk: It took a while for him to ask you out, but he did. You had no idea where he was going to take you because he was keeping it a surprise. When he picked you up at your house and asked you if he could blindfold you, you were beyond excited. It took 10 minutes by car, each minute went past and you were thinking of possible locations Bruce could take you to. When you arrived, he helped you out of the car and lead you up about 10 steps, he took off the blindfold and you stood in shock. He took you to an Observatory. There was a picnic blanket in the middle of the floor with a basket filled with fruit and wine. You spent all night talking about space and pointing out the brightest stars.

Hawkeye: Clint had sent you a text saying that you had wear something casual and easy to move in, which worried you, what could he possibly have in mind? Laser Tag. Yep, he met you at your desk at 7 sharp wearing casual clothes, you weren't in your work clothes either, it was strange seeing each other like that. You signed out of S.H.I.E.L.D and Clint drove to the place, on the way he told you where you were going and you could tell he was nervous to see your reaction, you were excited and told him he was going down. First, you played a team game with a few random people, your team won obviously. After that it was all verses all, you all started at different place s in the room so you didn't know where Clint was. The alarm went and everyone dashed to the centre, you stayed in the shadows until you saw Clint. You snuck up behind him and shot him twice, he turned around and you ran off giggling, he ran after you and eventually caught you. Most of the game was you two running after each other and shooting other people on the way. At the end everyone received there scores on score cards while an announcer told everyone where the came. It came down to first and second, you and Clint hadn't been called. When the announcer said that Clint had come in second, you jumped in the air and cheered while he pouted. He was even more annoyed when he found out that he was 3 points off beating you. You found it cute when he pouted, when you left and found that he was still pouting, you kissed his cheek and said "Wanna get something to eat?". That made him smile.

Black Widow: Nat didn't like going out, so instead she invited you over to her house and ordered a take out while she played a few movies. When you arrived she gave you a hug and told you to make yourself comfortable in the living room while she ordered a pizza. You noticed that she was a huge comedy fan because of all the movies she had lined up for tonight, Natasha always had a straight face and she hardly ever smiled so you were happy that you might get to see her laugh. The first movie she put on was Bruce Almighty, she told you it reminded her of her friend Bruce(Hulk) and she found it funny if she pictured him instead of the actor. The pizza arrived about 15 minutes into the film and you were both starving, you tucked right in. Once you ate that she brought through some snacks to have for the rest of the films, you finished the last film and realized that it was just gone one in the morning, you both decided to just sleep on the sofa. In the morning you cleared everything from the night before away while she was asleep, when she woke up she asked you to go to breakfast with her, which you excepted, you spent the day together.

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