The Dare

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Harry awoke with a start.
"Tom? Tom!" He called out, wondering if he had been left alone by him, again. It didn't take long before harry had come to a conclusion. Tom had indeed left, but not without saying goodbye first. There was a small note left there sitting on the nightstand. I watched as Hedwig flew over and landed near it, picking at the box of treats. My kneazels purred against me, laying content by my side.
"Who does he even think he is? Running off from me leaving nothing but a note! And after what we...what we...oh." harry stopped momentarily, the crumpled piece of paper forgotten.
"Shit....shit. shit. shit!" Harry hit his hands on the bed a few times before letting his head fall onto his knees. The action startled his poor kneazels away from the bed. "Surely that was just a dream, of course it was. Tom is a manipulative bastard after all. It's all his fault probably." With a sigh of relief, he went back to the peice of paper. He unfolded it and read the beautiful handwriting. It was a stark contrast to the crippled paper.
"Dearest, I Apologize sincerely. Lately it has seemed that all of our little...excursion, we may call them, have been cut short with me running off. You see, that big man, Voldemort? Me? He is rather possessive of you, he is. Anytime he has caught me near you he casts nasty curses at me. I truly hope you may come to understand. To leave this message on a high note, I really enjoyed last night. Truly. I can't wait to see how you squirm underneath me-" harry felt his face flush, he stopped reading as the obscene words kept flowing.
"I want to hear your moans, of need, and I want to fill you to the brim with my cum and claim you as mine. I want to tie you up and watch you whine pitifully as I throw you into a throw of overstimulation, and of e with everything I may want to do to you? I want to cuddle and lay in a rose filled bath with you. I want to pamper you and give you the love that you truly deserve. Now, though I would love to say more, I'm afraid the room on this page is running out. I love you." Well, that last part was sweet although rather vivid in its detail.
He turned it over to look at the message on the front.
"Check your top drawer."
So of course harry did what any sophisticated man would do. He ignored it, refused it, and chose not to give it any attention. He stood up and went to the bathroom, brushing his teeth, shaving his face, dressing himself, showing, not in that order, but you get the point. He walked out about an hour later and sat down to read. When reading came to be too boring, he journaled, and soon enough the temptation was too much. He crossed his fingers and muttered a brief prayer. He may be a wizard, but he might just need any help he can get and if that means praying to non-existing God's, then so be it. Pulling open the drawer he saw a white photo. He picked it up and flipped it over before yelling at the sight. A girlish scream left his body.
"Fu-" harry sat in a daze as he stared at the photo.
From the angle it was taken, Tom clearly couldn't have been the one to photograph it. Was he In cahoots with someone? The picture was a moving picture. It showed harry curled up next to Tom's side, their two naked bodies sticking together as tom drew lines down Harry's back. It had caused harry eyes to flutter softly as a contented sigh left him. Though, he was not nearly as content now.
He shoved the picture in his pocket, ran his hands through his hair, and then ran out his door and down the stairs. He needed a distraction.
"Blaise! Blaaaiiissseee!" He called louder.
" What!? What do you want!" He yelled louder.
"I need a distraction, and I know you have vodka under your bed. Get draco and the rest of the group and let's play truth or dare." Harry said quickly, out of breath.
"I-i Mean, okay...but are you sure we should do this in the morning?" Blaise asked nervously.
"What? Too pussy to do it?" Harry taunted. He knew how to get a reaction out of him.
"Well fuck you too then. Draco! Get your skinny ass over here. And bring the girls with you." Blaise called, then gestured for harry to follow him into his room. Blaise had pulled out a few bottles of vodka, and one jewelry glass of rum. His room quickly filled with a variety of Slytherin that harry knew. Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Astoria, Flint, Crabbe, Goyle, even some of the older Slytherin joined in.
"Well, we certainly have a nice variety now." Commented one of the prefects. Next to him, a dirty blonde boy sat. He was one of the older prefects. Sixteen. Lucas hawthorn. His parents had chosen to go with a more muggle name as a hope to accept new cultures. Harry shuddered as he watched the guy look at him and grin, his tongue darted across his lips.
Blaise's voice interrupted them.
"So we all swear to not speak of what happens in this room?" He asked.
Murmurs of agreement filled the air. 
"Good, let's begin." He slid a shot glass to harry. "This was your idea, you start. Truth or dare, harry?"
Harry grinned.
A smirk crossed blaise's face.
"Who's the hottest person in the room?" Blaise asked. "And here, drink this too, everyone will get it. Vertasium." Harry rolled his eyes at this, he swallowed the nasty potion and then spoke.
A silence filled the common room, before laughter erupted.
Some faces looked saddened, and Blaise? Well, an offended look crossed his face.
"Not me? Horrible choice, really."
"Sure sure. Draco. T or D."
"D, obviously." He responded snarkily.
"Yeah,you would choose the D. Now, just for that tone, I dare you to kiss the ugliest person in the room." Harry giggled.
He watched as draco struggled.
"Could I possibly change to a truth?"
"If you let me ask you two questions." Harry replied.
"Fine, just...anything but kissing Crabbe or Goyle."
"First, tell me. Are you perhaps a virgin, draco? And second, tell me who you think is most attractive in here." Harry smirked.
"1....kinda. 2. Zabini." He replied.
"Kinda?" Harry questioned.
"You already got your two questions." Draco flushed. He turned his attention to those prefect from earlier.
"Truth or dare."
"Tell me who you would fuck in here. Everyone." Draco laughed.
"Harry, zabini, Lucas, draco, Astoria." He answered.
"Notice how many men were on that list?" Draco teased.
"Shut it, git." The perfect growled. He leaned over to the enjoy next to him, Lucas.
"Truth or dare."
"Dare, obviously. I'm not a little bi-"
"Andddd that's enough." The perfect interjected.
"You know what I dare you to do? Go on a date. With harry." A silence fell through the room.
Well? Harry thought. The Toms are going to kill me.

Heyyyyy. So I know it's been a while. Yeah. Good to be back, not gonna have a specific updating schedule, but like...I will try to stay somewhat constitant. I'm working on a few withe.rstories right now, but my main story that tis currently published, it called Elderbroake. Go check it out and see if the description seems like something you'd like. I always love support! as always, love y'all!!!!
Word count:1300

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