Recovery And New Beginnings

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You never.know when things you had never experienced before, may occur. You also may not know if you like them, but just take the chance you were given, and things will work itself out one way or another.

__________________________________________Harry slept through most of the next few days of school, and by the time he was finally up and moving about, he had loads of homework assigned to him.
Much of the homework was from professor Snape who in all, did not seem to like harry that much. The professor not liking him did not bother harry that much, sure it was tedious, but who was he to complain? He did not like Snape very much either. Harry raced though his homework so as to continue his beloved time off, he had been at school only about a week and he already tired of being there. First there was the sorting, next there was finding out about his identity, then Voldemort, and now he is sick. He felt better than he did the first day of being sick, he did not remember much of the past few days since he was pretty much blacked out throughout them as if he was hungover. He did however remember someone occasionally coming to check up on him, the person seemed comfortable to be around but still had a dangerous aura to them. Harry had assumed the person had been Voldemort coming to see him as he could not just let his newest lackey die, especially since he was the perfect spy. What was weird though was the the affectionate gestures from the visiting figure. Many times th Emerson would pat his head or sit down and give him small massages as they whispered sweet nothings to him. It he ad made harry uncomfortable at first, but now knowing that it was more than likely Voldemort he felt strangely more calm about the displays of care.
Harry knew it was not too long before Voldemort would visit again considering the times he had seemed to accompany harry the past few days. Harry felt strangely excited about seeing the man again, he told himself that the feeling was just the thrill of knowing he was near someone so powerful.
As harry had predicted Voldemort arrived, but not in the way harry expected. The bigger man had found his way on through the doors that were often used to let fluffy in and out. Harry had a feeling Voldemort would ask about that door later, and he also felt that Voldemort would be strangely okay with it too. Harry decided to feign sleep, curious if Voldemort could tell he was faking and if he could, what he would do to harry despite it.
As harry expected, Voldemort saw right through him. He heard Voldemort chuckle and suddenly he was lifted up in strong arms, much different from what he knew the professor quirrel could do.
He felt his face flush, he knew the dark lord had seen this and as a reaction he was thrown onto his bed with a rough intent. Harry did not know why he continued to fake sleep, but he had to admit he was quite interested in what would happen next. What harry did not expect was for the weight of the man to be put against him. Harry could feel everything that touched him, the light outline of ab muscle, the punishing force the arms closing in on him demanded, and the most prominent of all, the breathy chuckle of air blowing just across his neck.
"I know your awake little sprite, best to just come clean then see just what I do to those who don't listen to me." Voldemort said dangerously, as if he knew he was playing a game, and that he was winning.
Harry was failing in his attempt to stay asleep as Voldemort continued his exploration. The dark lord made his way further and further down, from Harry's neck, to his collar, and then the movement rested at his chest.
The breath was hot against Harry's chest, which was covered with all but a flimsy crop top. The breath closed in on his left bud and harry gasped as he finally snapped and stopped pretending, but Voldemort was not going to stop there.
He bit through the crop top onto Harry's sensitive nipple and harry whined, grabbing onto Voldemort's head.
"Oh? Finally awake huh?" Voldemort asked coyly.
He looked up at harry and saw the blush caking his face. He rose from his position on top of harry and sat down beside him.
"I'm glad. Now do tell what has happened over the past few days."
Harry was surprised that Voldemort was going to act like that did not happen at all.   Harry was frustrated. How could he act like they did not just do that? Harry huffed in a quiet feeling of injustice.
"Well? I do hope to learn something from my viset here." Voldemort said impatiently.
Harry glared at his feet.
"Dumbledore came to visit shortly after you had left the first time, he tried to convince me that I was safe and that he could be trusted. Obviously I did not fall for it. He attempted to explain my whole story, ramging from how I ended up at Hogwarts, of parents died, as if he knew better. He then tried to convince me that he was a friend, he kept calling me "his boy" but I shut that nickname down pretty fast.
That was all that really happen during the meet with Dumbledore. Everything else is a bit of a blur to me."
"Hmmm. That seems to have gone better than expected after all." Voldemort mused.
"And what do you mean by that?" Harry said with a bite to his words.
" Well for a start he could have tried to use occlemency on you, or he could have tried to drug you, or even obliviate you."
Voldemort said.
Voldemort looked at harry just then.
"Little sprite, are you perhaps, mad at me?" Voldemort said jokingly.
"Harry blushed and looked up at him.
"No! Of course not!"
"Very well we can pretend I believe you."
Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Well you should! I'm not lying."
"Like I said, I believe you." Voldemort said, sounding as if he in fact, did not believe him.
Harry huffed. "You know what, your impossible."
Voldemort than asked about the door.  Harry was surprised at the sudden change of subject but decided to go with it. He explained his situation with fluffy to Voldemort, how he felt compelled to enter the room, and when he saw how the creature was being treated he knew he had to get him out. He talked about how he had drunk fluffy and created a giant door to let fluffy roam about safely.
To say the least Voldemort was surprised.
He never knew the boy could hold such raw power, let alone befriend a Cerberus.
He knew he should have expected it though, considering the boys knack for animals. Hell he had four pets of his own! A snake that had visited Voldemort after smelling him on his master, an owl who he had seen deliver messages to harry, and two kneazels who had made a habit of causing silent chaos all across Hogwarts for both staff and students. Those cat like creatures reminded him distinctively of the twins in Slytherin house.
Voldemort decided he had gathered enough information and should let harry rest more. He left a note on Harry's nightstand, he had proposed that harry should join him in his upcoming death eater meeting, and if harry agreed he shall send a letter back to Quirrel. Voldemort in turn would give harry a special mask, and an outfit for the meeting. He had a feeling the boy would agree, and he could not wait to see the boy in what he would be giving him to wear.
He explained that he was taking his leave, and before harry could process what was happening, he took harry by his chin and bit him hard on his neck, where it would surely leave a mark for everyone to see.
Nobody would dare to touch his beautiful harry.


Sorry I have been gone. I had a school break but I got badly sick and could hardly move. I'm fine now and hopefully I will have a better schedule for now.
Stay if you enjoy the story, and leave if you don't.
-atticus ♥️♥️♥️

Word count: 1428

The Little SpeakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora