Untitled Part 19

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"Those two should never have found his body..."

Anne took a step back, feeling both bewildered and confused. Never find his body? What could she possibly mean by that?

"Mother, what do you mean..?"

Queen Elizabeth turned to her with a crooked smile.

"Oh darling, this is why I called you here. You see, I killed Phillip."

" What ?!?!" exclaimed Anne, feeling shock rush through her whole body. Elizabeth loved Phillip, why would she kill him?

"Oh... I fell in love with a better man. His name is Wallace Thompkins. With Phillip out of the way, I can and will marry him next year. Then I'll finally be happy. Even with Diana existing."

Anne felt her heart sink. Her mother didn't love her father. Has her whole life been a lie?

"M-mother, y-you can't be serious. Y-you would never kill dad.."

Elizabeth chuckled. Her eyes had a... gleam to them. She walked over to Anne, and squeezed her chin tightly, forcing her to look into her eyes.

"Oh Anne. I know you don't love Mark. You want to marry Timothy Laurence, don't you? Don't lie to mama."

Anne gulped. It was true. But she did care for Mark. She was the father of her children after all.

"Y-yes mama..."

Queen Elizabeth chuckled almost sadisticly.

"Kill him then. Kill Mark. Do it any way you want. Stab him or drown him, I don't care. Get him out of the way if you don't love him."

Anne stood up, standing up, slamming her fists on the table. She felt anger rising in her stomach.

"No. I will not kill him. He's the mother of my children. Peter's 11. Zara is only 8 . I won't make my children lose their father. Under absolutely no circumstances. I'll divorce him. And don't you dare say otherwise."

Anne then stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Her mother was a monster. She killed her own husband and wanted Anne to kill hers.

But at least now she had leverage on her mother. Elizabeth would never be cruel to Diana again, unless she wanted the world to know she was a killer.

Oh, and she had recorded the entire conversation. 

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