Chapter 5 Dawn

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as Brightstar leaves the medicine den a new cat enters a greyish she-cat with orange eyes she gives off a bored expression when talking to Snowear "when will Brightstar finish with these chores?" she complains to Snowear who responds "when you've learned to not wander out of camp with out telling anyone, you could have been killed and we wouldn't have even known." he states "now go check on the guest" she gives a huff of annoyance and walks over to me I look at her with a half smile as pain shoot through me "you look lovely don't you" she says with sarcastic tone "yes well I've been trying something new with my pelt" I respond trying to joke a bit she just give a cracked smile as she puts one her paws on my head "looks like it'll scar, whatever your head hit must of been as hard as a rock, at least its healing any other pain anywhere else?" she says with calm concern I shake my head "what's your name" I ask "what's it to ya" she seems to be gauging a response "because you seem interesting also you just touched my head and I don't think your a qualified medicine cat" I respond jokingly she chuckles a bit "names Ratpaw and I'm kind of the everyone's apprentice, I get moved around alot so I pick up few things."  Interesting she's different in an I'm from a rival clan kind of way "What about your mentor?" as I say that she goes quiet for a moment I must have touched the wrong nerve "Sorry" I say trying to salvage the conversation she grabs some moss and puts it on my head I wince at the pain then calm myself "that should help with the pain, ill check on you in a bit" she says as she walks out. "That means she likes you" I turn my head to realize an elderly cat has been lying in a bed near the other end of the den. "Apologies for scaring you, my name is Cometheart I've been in the den for a while so it's nice to have company," she says with the most kindness I've heard from a cat she looks pretty healthy I wonder why she's been in here "no problem, what do you mean by what you said, she likes me?" I ask, Cometheart just gives me this motherly stare as if she knows everything it reminds me of mom "Ratpaws been alone for a while she was the only one to survive in her litter and when she was finally given a mentor Whiteclaw, he unfortunately disappeared or ran away to become a kittypet at least that's the gossip. The fact she even joked with you says a lot, but what do I know I'm just an old cat" she says as she begins to groom herself I look back at the door to the den the sunlight glimmering out the company is nice but its not home I must get back I need to know if my sister is alright.

As the hours go by I feel time slip away Cometheart is nice to talk to but she's usually taking a nap for the most part, the joys of being an elder I suppose and Snowear just avoids me if he doesn't need to check on me, which puzzles me even more "alright I'm back lets see how that wounds doing" as Ratpaw walks into the den with some strange herbs. Ratpaw is probably the only enjoyment I get out the day, as she comes over and begins to spread a ointment of some kind on my head "why thank you for this mysteries thing you've began rubbing on me" I say in a joking manner "my apologies my dearest leader I'll make sure to give you the full starclan treatment" she jokes back as she explains "its goldenrod it should help finish up closing the wound I'm surprised Snowear didn't do it already" I give  her a concerned look "yeah it seems he's been avoiding me for the most part, guess maybe I'm just too much of a minor case to deal with." I say half jokingly, Ratpaw gives a sad look which bugs me a bit I like it better when she's seems happy "you have family?" she asks I nod "yes my sister and mother" "good I'm glad you have someone to go back to in your clan we don't all get lucky." after her statement she gives me a lick on the ear "get well soon I've got other chores to do so ill see you tomorrow" as she saunters off and out of the den while I sit their bewildered a warm feeling fills my stomach as I close my eyes to rest probably the first time I've really rested after waking up here.

I dream of the marsh of home the mud between my paws as I hunt with my sister Tortoisepaw then suddenly that cat with the strange object around his neck starts whispering in her ear as the marsh begins to burn up in flames with only me in the center as a humongous gator walks up to me its jaws as wide as the river with only a voice being heard "look out Mudpaw!" as I get grabbed and shoved into a bottomless void with only one star in sight "you must ready yourself Mudpaw beware the leader who will not shed any blood for you" as I wake up sweating at the paws. These dreams keep getting worse and starclan what do you want me to do I look around the medicine den to see Cometheart gone worry fills me she should be in bed as a future warrior I must make sure she's well rested jeez I sound like Longfang, I begin to get on my feet as I feel wobbly but I continue to push my way up and take a step of the bed so far so good I move my way along the wall to gain balance as I look out the medicine den to see sunclan for the first time. Its nighttime of Couse most cats are Probably at the gathering when I peer out I see Cometheart sitting only a few inch's from the door I wobble my self to sit down next to her "I like to come out here when everyone is asleep its the best time to see starclan helps me think of my mate" she says with a choked up sadness in her words "you had me worried you were taken by a badger or something you should head back in" I say trying to convince her to rest "you remind me of my son Mudpaw, always looking after the weak doing the best they can in a confusing situation" she says looking at me with her piercing Green eyes "did you lose your son too?" I ask trying to relate to her "no but I'm afraid he'll feel he has lost me when I journey to starclan, I'm the only family he has left after his fathers death. I just want to prep him to be able to move on and start a new." she says, she looks so unafraid of the future I wish I had that kind of bravery "you and your clan probably think of us as monsters for starting the 3 moon war but our clan is just the same as yours we follow our leader and the code, we cherish each other through each day, and under my sons leadership maybe just maybe peace can last." I look at her with confusion then understanding maybe were not so different were all fighting the same fight wait did she just say leader "your son is Brightstar!" I exclaim she nods and as if a weight has lifted maybe those stories about him being a cruel deputy through the war was false "well we best get back to bed before the clan comes back from the gathering" she says as she help me back to the bed I lay down and try to sleep again better dreams await.

I awake the next day feeling renewed from the sleep as I see Snowear looking through some herbs I yawn and say "did Brightstar tell my clan about what happened" he turns around and looks at me our eyes staring into each other so familiar it feels, he breaks eye contact and responds "yes he did they'll be sending a patrol soon to check on you" I give a sigh of relief I can get back home soon then "today we'll try a walking excise to make sure you didn't lose any kind mobility due to the head injury" he states, good it'll be nice to start walking normal again I hear movement outside den as I see Ratpaw holding a mouse and a bird in her mouth as she come towards me while trying to speak. But I couldn't understand what she was saying even if she had someone to translate she places the mouse in front of Comethearts bed and then the bird in front of mine she sits down "got you some breakfast, thought maybe we could share it?" I eye the bird and look back to her "well only if you insist" I say with glee as we begin to eat the bird out of the corner of my eyes I see Snowear glaring at us it feels uneasy he always acted friendly, its probably the first time I've seen him look mad. He catch's my gaze and walks out of the den his steel blue eyes seemed to have ripped claws into my soul "so you ready to get back on your feet?" Ratpaw says with some excitement "of course, I'm jumpy already" I say trying to match her excitement as Snowear comes back into the den "alright lets get started me and Ratpaw will be on both of your sides to give balance then we'll take few steps, and if you feel confident enough will let you stand on your own." I nod at his plan as both cats get beside me and as I start to push my leg up it feels wobbly at first but with Snowear and Ratpaw keeping me balanced it starts feel normal as begin to take a step then another as they begin to let go of their pressure on me as I start to walk normal again "this is good right?" I ask looking back to Snowear for an answer "yes its great in fact, you'll be able to at least walk normal but hunting in fighting might take a bit more time" he states which is disappointing but I'll take it with stride "doing good Mudpaw" as Cometheart chimes in "you feel like walking out of the den?" Ratpaw says swinging by me "lets do it" I say as we walk out together into the open. 

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