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(AUTHORS NOTE: TW: drug abuse, light alcohol abuse, light domestic violence(?))

I entered the I.M.P office quickly, locking myself in a bathroom before slowly pulling a phone out of my pocket. It felt weird to be holding the phone I owned three years ago. There were so many voicemails, asking where I was. Messages from Angel and Cherri updating me on life, pictures of Stella from Nathan. The messages never stopped. Like they had hoped I was somehow seeing them. 

I dialed Angels number slowly. He answered after two rings. 

"Ally?" he asked quickly. "Hi, Anthony." I said softly. "It... how... are you okay?" he asked. "I'm back. I didn't think it was possible but... the deal between Val and I is still unbroken. He knows I'm back. He found me." I said. There was silence on the other line for a moment. 

"Come back to the hotel." he said. "I can't, Anth." I said. "Not... not yet. Especially not now that I'm... Heaven... again." I finished. "Ally." he whispered. "Do they know who I am?" I asked. "Heaven Dust or Alison?" he asked. "Heaven." I replied. "Yes." he said. "They'll recognize me. They'll realize that Ally, the radio princess, ex-exorcist, is also Heaven Dust. I can't go back." I said. "Unless they won't." he replied. I scoffed. "You recognized me as an angel. They will recognize me as a demon." I said. Once again, there was silence for a moment. 

"You always have a place here, Ally. If you change your mind... come." he said. I inhaled sharply through my nose. "I will... If I change my mind. I promise. I'll... see you in the studio." I said. "Yeah... be safe, Ally." he said. I smiled softly. "You too, Anthony." I said before hanging up the phone. 

I made my way up and into the office, where Blitzo stood talking with... Nathan. 

"Ally." he said upon seeing me. "Uh... it's actually Heaven again." I said. "What? You remade the deal with Val!?" Blitzo asked. I shook my head. "Apparently now that I'm back in hell... it's still unbroken." I replied. "Well, we all know none of us are going to call you Heaven." Loona said from the receptionist desk. I nodded. "Same deal, you'll have to call me Heaven in public." I said, sitting in a chair. Nathan stared at me. 

"Don't do that." I said. "I- I'm sorry, I just... when did you get back?" he asked. I sighed. "Yesterday. Literally right after the lame excuse of an extermination. They clipped my wings and sent me back. You weren't supposed to know yet." I said. He shook his head. "Why? Why wouldn't you want me to know that you were back?" he asked. I shrugged. 

"Where's Ellie?" I asked. He pointed toward the office door. I stood and made my way over. "How many people know I'm back?" I asked as I rested my hand on the doorknob. "The rumor is spreading quickly, but not many people know it's confirmed." Blitzo answered. "With Val knowing for sure that you're back, it's only a matter of time before everyone knows." Nathan added. I nodded before entering the room and everyone turned to me. 

"Mommy!" Stella said, pointing at me. I entertained her with a silly little gasp and held my arms out. "Hi, muffin!" I said as she ran up to me. I lifted her slowly. "Oh, you're so big!" I said. She giggled. "Find the car keys?" Moxxie asked. I nodded. "Yeah, thank you guys." I said. "Of course, Ally." Millie said. "So, um... Val knows I'm back." I said. "How? Did he hurt you? You didn't remake a deal with him, right?" Moxxie asked. I sighed as I sat in a chair, resting Stella on my lap. "Apparently the deal still goes unbroken. As long as I'm still a demon, he still owns me." I replied. Moxxie shook his head. Millie placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm... gonna try to go see my mom." I said. "You sure, Al? I thought you hated her." Moxxie said. I shook my head. "She's my mother. Can't hold a grudge forever. Of course, I resent her, but fuck it." I said. "Well, if you need us, we're here for you." Moxxie said. I nodded. "Thank you. I love you guys." I said. "We love you too, Ally." Millie said. "Well." I said, standing. "I should catch her before she gets drunk for the day." I finished before setting Stella on her feet. "I'll see you later, peach." I said, tapping her nose. She smiled at me. "Be safe." Millie and Moxxie said in unison. "Always." I replied as I exited the office. 

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