pink + white

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"just the same way you showed me, showed me, you showed me love"

walker gets his wisdom teeth out

i was with walker in his room, waiting on his mom to come home. she was going to take him to get his wisdom teeth out, and walker wanted me there.

he was half asleep on my chest, mindlessly rubbing my waist as i ran my fingers through his hair.

"do you think i'll cry or be loopy?" he pauses, "i hope i cry so my mom will buy me ice cream."

i burst into a fit of giggles, making walker laugh along with me. "i hope you don't cry because i'll cry too, you know i'm a sympathy crier."

"i remember when you cried when you got yours out because my mom wouldn't buy you food, you were so pitiful." he leans up, placing a sweet kiss on my jawline and rolling off of me, laying next to me instead.

we cuddle until his mom gets to his house, honking the horn to let us know she was here.
"i don't wanna go y/n/n!" walker whines as i drag him out of his bed.

"walker scobell. put your shoes on, you're gonna be fine."

"yes ma'am."


"sorry it took us so long, i had to drag walker out of bed and out the door." i smile at his mom as we get in the car. walker lays his head on my shoulder, nervously bouncing his leg up and down.

"you're gonna be fine walker, i promise." i reassure him, holding his hand the rest of the way there. he smiles in response, kissing my lips and being mostly quiet the rest of the time.

we pull into the dental office and sign walker in, waiting for the dentist to call him.

after about 10 minutes, they call his name. he looks up with a nervous look. i give him a reassuring smile, him smiling back at me before going back.


after about an hour, the dental assistant calls his mom and i back. i walk in, silently bracing myself for how walker was about to act.

"y/n! aw, you look so pretty." he stares at me, standing up with the help of the dental assistant and walking towards me. i feel the heat rise to my cheeks as he wraps his arms around me, basically putting all of his weight on me.

"thanks walker, you look good too." i giggle, rubbing my hands up and down his back. he pulls away, grabbing my face and looking at me.

"what?" i nervously smile.

"you're just so pretty. isn't my girlfriend so pretty mom?" he gushes, making me smile bigger and his mom smile. "yes, she's beautiful." his mom agrees, going back to talking to the dentist.

walker continues rambling about random things before we have to leave. the dentist walks us back to the car, giving his mom medicine and other things necessary.

"do you need me to help you?" i hold onto his arm, trying to keep him stabilized. "no thanks baby, i can walk. i'm literally percy jackson, i control the ocean." he says in a "duh" tone, moving his arm out of my grasp and wrapping it around my waist, almost taking us both down.

"okay so you do need help, got it." i giggle, helping him get back into the car. "hey, don't be sassy with me y/n. i'll throw tomatoes at you." he pulls me into the back with him, laying his head on my lap.

i give him a weird look, trying not to laugh at him.

"mom can we get ice cream?" he sits up, tapping on the back of her car seat. she nods her head, pulling into wendy's to get frosty's for us. walker quickly eats his, resulting in him getting a brain freeze.

"y/n! my head is cold!" he whines, rubbing his head with his hands. i grab his hands and move them out of his hair, laying down in the backseat and pulling him to lay down with me. he almost immediately calms down, falling asleep the rest of the way home.

i wake him up around 20 minutes later when we get to his house. "what- wait no don't leave me." he groggily reaches out of me as i get out of the car, helping him out. "i'm not leaving you silly, we're going inside." i smile, bringing him upstairs.

he takes off his shoes and flops onto his bed, opening his arms for me. somehow, his anesthesia has already worn off. i lay down with him, moving his hair out of his face and twirling his curls around my fingers.

"do you need anything? does it hurt?" i look at his slightly swollen cheeks. he shakes his head, moving me onto my back and laying his head on my chest. "can you play with my hair?" he tiredly mumbles, his voice raspy.

i run my fingers through his hair, kissing his forehead. "get some rest walker, i'll be right here. i love you."

"i love you more."

a/n: someone told me to do a reverse wisdom teeth so here it is!!!! vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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