𝟎𝟎𝟐. vampire bill

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I got it." Rory said as she dropped her bag onto the bar counter and moved over to them. Everyone's eyes widened as she hoisted the heavy barrel up and over her shoulder with ease, not breaking a sweat or holding in her breath. She walked over with perfect posture before gently laying it by the bar. She rose an eyebrow at the incredulous looks thrown her way. "What?"

"Damn girl, I forget you're super strong." Tara commented as she came over to start unloading the barrel. "Tell me, what's your workout routine? 'Cause I gotta get in one that!"

"Uh, Nothing?"

"Really? Than how you so strong?" Tara rose an unamused eyebrow, hand placed on her up. Rory shrugged innocently, "Genetics, I guess."

"Mhm." Tara hummed unconvincingly as she went back to unloading the barrel.

Rory turned to Jason with her eyebrows raised, responding to his earlier comment that got interrupted, "What were you saying —"

"Well, hello, stranger." Rory rolled her eyes as Dawn sauntered up to Jason from behind, seductively swaying her hair from side to side.

Jason turned around and smirked at the woman. "Hey. Dawn. Come here." Rory gagged lightly as Dawn wrapped her arms around his neck, his sliding around her waist. "Look at you. You look great. How you been?"

Dawn giggled. "Fine. Partyin."

"So you ain't mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"Well, for not calling. You know. The usual." Rory rolled her eyes as Tara stared in jealousy.

"Jason, baby, I ain't got no expectations of you. I'm not an idiot."

"Hey, what time do you get off work?"

"Well, I don't know." Dawn glanced at the watch on her wrist. "Oh, well, right now."

"You want to go somewhere?"

"Well, yeah, I do." Jason hummed, eyes on her lips. "I want to go home." Dawn giggled as she pushed herself away from him to walk out the bar. "Good night, Tara. Goodnight, Rory."

"Oh, my god." Rory laughed in disbelief, scrunching her nose up in disgust. "You are a giant parody of yourself and you don't even know it."

Jason flipped his head around to send his sister a grin. "I am what I am, little sis." He simply glanced at Tara before running out the bar to catch up with Dawn, the thing in his jeans doing the walking for him. "Good seeing you, Tara. Good luck."

"Good luck?" Tara questioned in disbelief. "Good luck with what? Jesus."

Rory clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she took a seat at the bar, eyeing her fingernails uninterestingly. "That boy makes me want to rip my hair out, he can't tell his dick from his mind. How did I get blessed with a brother like that?"

"Beats me." Tara scoffed as she grabbed a rag to wipe down the bar top. Rory knelt her head in her palm as her tired eyes blinked at the bartender. "He can't even tell there is an amazing gal stood in front of him, ripe for the picking." Rory commented.

Tara's neck craned up, meeting her eyes as another scoff left her lips. Rory felt the corner of her lips twitch up into a light smirk. "That is the last time I ever tell you about my teenage crush."

𝐆𝐔𝐘𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐀𝐆𝐄, eric northman Where stories live. Discover now